Day in the Life

Jan 24, 1888

Journal Entry

January 24, 1888 ~ Tuesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I signed 10 Recommends Received 15 Letters
I wrote 10 public Letters I met in the Evening at
the office with several of the Twelve & members of the
Legislatures. On the Evening of the 23 we voted to
redistrict Salt Lake City for Electioral Purposes to
night we recalled orsinded that vote in consequence
of informations that it could not be carried out in
time to reach the present Elections we spent the night ^at^ Br McDonalds


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Letter to Angus Munn Cannon, 24 January 1888

President Angus M. Cannon, Salt Lake Stake. Dear Brother:— Your letter in reply to mine upon the subject of second anointings for Brother George Lufkin and Brother James Townsend, has been received and considered. Whoever attends to the ordinances for Brother Townsend should certainly take his last wife to the Temple with them, so that she might receive the blessing as well as the deceased wife. Is Brother George Lufkin the proper person, who is as worthy as he, who is nearer as heir to the Townsend Family than he is? If he is the proper party to represent Brother Townsend, under the circumstances you are at liberty to inform him that if he will get his recommendation properly signed, I will endorse it for him to receive his second anointing and to act for Brother Townsend, on condition, also, that he takes Brother Townsend's surviving wife with him. Now, in relation to the other subject which you mention—the cases of worthy men and women who are aged who have not had their second anointings, and who, are waiting to have this privilege accorded to them, being counseled by, you not to ask for the privilege. We think such cases deserve consideration, and where you know of aged men and woman who are worthy to receive this ordinance, I would like you to forward their names to me for consideration; and these that we decide as proper persons to receive this ordinance can have their recommendations signed to that effect. With kind regards, I am Your Brother, W. Woodruff.

Letter to David King Udall, 24 January 1889

Salt Lake City, . President D. K. Udall, St. Johns, Apache Co, Arizona. Dear Brother: Your letter of Jan. 18th, respecting your Stake Academy, etc, has been received. We will forward your letter to Elder Karl G. Masser, at Provo, with a request that he make you a draft of such a building as you need, so far as he is able to do so. In regard to the rock hauled on Labor Tithing for your Stake Tabernacle, to the amount of $331.00, and your wishes to use the same on your Stake Academy, you are at liberty to use the said rock for that purpose. Inasmuch as your High Council has taken action in regard to the fellow- ship of Brother John B. Milner, it will be proper for you to notify the Presidency of the Stake or the Bishop of the Ward where he now resides, of your action My health is good, and my time is fully occupied. With kind regards, Your Brother, W. Woodruff

Letter from Arthur Stayner, 24 January 1888

Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother It doubtless will appear to you that I am impertinate but I feel constrained to plead with you for a personal interview. The magnitude of the interests involved in the business I am laboring with, and the prestige & power which will inevitably follow the establishment of the business are considerations worthy of reflection before they have passed into [cinnical] hands and it is too late to recover them. Will you Bro Woodruff let me see you and Counsellors to obtain some counsel upon this important enterprise. Time is passing along will you please let me see you soon. Very respectfully Your Brother Arthur Stayner

Letter to Brigham Young Jr., 24 January 1888

Salt Lake City, U. T. . Elder Brigham Young, Olio P. O., San Juan Co., N. M. Dear Brother: I have just received your favor of the 14th inst. I am glad to hear from you, and that you have survived the exposures to which you have been sub- jected. If the weather where you have been has been equally severe with that which we have had in this locality, you must have encountered serious risk in being out traveling. We have had colder weather probably than ever before since we came to these mountains. For a few days, however, it has moderated very much and it has been thawing. There are very few houses in the city which have water pipes leading into them


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Jan 24, 1888