Day in the Life

Feb 27, 1888

Journal Entry

February 27, 1888 ~ Monday

27. A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 letters
among the number from Jaques Bulah & Marion I wrote
12 public Letters I spent the forenoon in council with
the 12 I held a Bank Meeting at 1 oclok I met with
Maud & Trombow twice I went to grave yard in the
Evening & Bought 4 lots together will cost $200 to Levil them
I was quite Busy all day


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Letter from James L. Patterson, 27 February 1888
Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. I received your letter of appoint- ment to a mission to Great Britian; and in reply would say that I will try and be ready to start from Salt Lake City on the 12th of May 1888. I had agreed to teach school in this place until about the 20thof May, but think I can arrange that satisfactorily. As to my feelings in the matter. It is my desire to serve God, and keep his commandments and where his servants see fit for me to labor. I do not
Letter to Joseph Fielding Smith, 27 February 1888
Salt Lake City, U. T. . Elder Joseph F. Smith, Washington, D. C. Dear Brother Jos. F.: Our friends Maude and Dellie leave this afternoon. We just take time to say to you that they will be at the Arlington Hotel ^in Washington^, where you can see them by calling upon them; or if you have a good place where you can meet them alone, they will call upon you. We have not time to say more, except that we intend to write you fully to-morrow. With love, we remain Your Brethren, W. Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon [sideways text] Committee. [end of sideways text]


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Feb 27, 1888