Day in the Life

Mar 27, 1888

Journal Entry

March 27, 1888 ~ Tuesday

27 I signed 14 Recommends I received 11 Letters
Keys crossed I spent the day in council I went to the Theater
in the Evening & saw Uncle Toms Cabbin did not like it


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Letter from Charles Adams, 27 March 1888

Parowan. Mar. 27th [18]88. Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Yours of the 12th Inst. came duly to hand, and I feel to respond to the call although I feel my inability to take a mission. I will be prepared to leave Salt Lake City on the 24th of April. Your Brother in the gospel, Charles D. Adams. Chas D Adams is my old est son 21 years old last Sept is single and has not been ordained an Elder yet I have understood that all missionaries should be ordained to the office over

Letter from Walter Reid, 27 March 1888

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of March 12 Relative to me accepting a Mission to New Zealand to leave this place About May of the present year to hand and noted. In reply I will say that I will accept the trust You have placed in me, and will hold myself in readness to enter upon my labor, at the time appointed and will endeavour to do my duty therein. I Remain Yours Respectfully Walter Reid Bp F. Kesler

Letter from William T. Lindsay, 27 March 1888

Dingle Bear Lake Idaho Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I received your letter of the 17 notifying me to take a mission to the Northwestern States. I will be on hand to respond to the call. I always feel like responding to any call made on me by those placed over me always trusting in heavenly father Wm. T. Lindsay, Saml Humphreys Bp

Letter from Jacob Orastus Jorgensen, 27 March 1888

Smith Field President Wilfort Woodruf Dear Brother I am trubling you I am afraid but I would like your advise in you apested to the sense and Conferens you mentoonsed some thing about the Canada Country and from what I understand it would be with your aprovel if partys moved ther and help scettle the country and hearing ist is a good stock country I to move there I spake to Brother Merell about it he thought I that I shouldent move there as my circumstances are so that I am not


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Mar 27, 1888