17 [FIGURES] We Met in the Temple of the Lord at 10 oclok for
Prayer after being clothed in the Holy garments of the priesthood
George Q Cannon was Mouth I addressed the Brethren
for a short time was followed By L. Snow G. Q. Cannon
B Young & F M Lyman we then adjourned till 12 oclk
We Met at 12 oclok to Dedicate the Manti Temple
The Hymn was sung The Morning breaks the shadows flee
Then President Wilford Woodruff Kneeled upon the Altar and
Offered up the dedicatory Prayer which can be found
Published in the Deseret News of May 1888 After
which remarks were made By Wilford Woodruff, L. Snow
G. Q. Cannon B Young & F M Lyman we then dismised
I felt to thank God that I had lived on the Earth to
once More have the privilege of Dedicating another Temple
in the Rocky Mountains unto the Most High God And
I Pray God my Eternal Father that He will protect the
Manti Temple and all other Temples we have buuilt in these
unto His Holy Name that they may Never go into the Hands
of the Gentiles our Enemies to be defiled by them Arthur
Winters reported our remarks made after the offering
up the Prayer. After this Meeting we held a council below
I received 5 Letters from Phebe Scholes Bell Moses
Sarah, Mary, & Newton. I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah Mary
& Newton. I was informed that Dyer the receiver
had made a Demand for the Logan Temple Tabernacle
Tithing Office & all Church Property in Logan I went
to bed at 11:30 & slept untill Morning
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I felt to thank God that I had lived on the Earth to once More have the privilege of Dedicating another Temple in the Rocky Mountains unto the Most High God And I Pray God my Eternal Father that He will protect the Manti Temple and all other Temples we have buuilt in these unto His Holy Name that they may Never go into the Hands of the Gentiles our Enemies to be defiled by them
May 18, 1888 ~ Friday 18 [FIGURE] We Met in the upper room & I set Daniel H Wells Apart to Preside over the Temple L Snow set apart Lund to be his Assistant. After considerable conversation we bid ade to All in the Temple. Before leaving I consecrated upon the Altar the seers stone that Joseph Smith found by Revelation some 30 feet under the Earth carried By him through life
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