Day in the Life

Mar 30, 1888

Journal Entry

March 30, 1888 ~ Friday

30 I signed 15 Recommends. I received 18 Letters I wrote
A hand pointing to the right 9 public Letters I spent the day iwriting & Reading

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Letter to Einar Johnson, 30 March 1888
Spanish Fork . President W. Woodruff. Dear Brother your letter of 26 this month is Received which call me as a Missionary to go to Iceland this call gives me joy that I am one amongst them who are counted wordy to go out to bring the Gospel to the Nations, and I am willing to do so. I me self will be ready to go at the appointed day, but I have no money. Respectfully your Brother in the Gospel, Einar Johnson. I hereby endorse the statement of Bro Johnson and add that in relation to raising funds to fit him out and take him to his field of Labor, I will do what I can to obtain it, but owing to the great number who have been brought here through the Labors of these Elders who


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Mar 30, 1888