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Day in the Life

Apr 2, 1888

Journal Entry

April 02, 1888 ~ Monday

2 I signed 47 recommends I received 43 Letters
[FIGURE] I wrote 6 Public Letters I spent the day in council
I spent the night at the Gordo


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Letter from Joseph Barker, 2 April 1888
Prest Woodruff Dear Brother your letter of the 28th I have Just Received, and can truly say ^am^ pleased and Happy that I am counted Worthy at this late day of my life to say a few Words in Defence of the gospel of Christ. and with ^the^ blessing of god and your aprual I Will do my best to honour my calling I hope I shall have the privlige of gathering up the genealogy of my dead kindred. this is the desire of your Bro. in the Gospel, Joseph Barker P. S. I shall be Ready, start by the 10th if Nothing happens: J. B. I endorse the above, Brot Barker has paid his tithing, and He has my confidence Wm. L. N. Allen Bishop 21st Ward


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Apr 2, 1888