Day in the Life

Apr 10, 1888

Journal Entry

April 10, 1888 ~ Tuesday

10 I signed 10 Recommends I receivd 8 Letters I
spent the day at the gordo I had an interview at [blank]
Keys crossed with Maud & Isaac Trumbo who gave me
much information concerning Matters in the East
I returned to the farm & spent the Night


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Letter to Brigham Young Jr., 10 April 1888
Salt Lake City, U. T. . Elder Brigham Young, Dear Brother; At a recent Council of the Apostles it was decided that three missionaries should be maintained among the Navajoes and one missionary to the Zuni Village. These brethren—E. A. Teitjen, J. Ashcroft, John Harris and [blank] James—we are informed, are in narrow circumstances; but, it is said, they are well posted in the language of these tribes and have proved themselves to be diligent and faithful mission- aries and greatly desiring the redemption of the La- manites from their low condition. It is said that their great drawback is a want of means, which, if
Letter from William King, 10 April 1888
th 1888 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother It was with pleasure I persued your communication of Feb 7th we were all pleased and gratified to learn of your continued health and preservation from the wicked for which our prayers ever assend in your behalf. Not having any having paticular news or Business requiring me to write I have defered writing till now—Our General Concerence commenced on the 6th and ^closed^ on the 9th ^inst^ It was very well attended though not as largely as on some previous occasions of this Kind which was owing to great attendance in the Honolulu on March 31 and April 1st at whitch ^time^ we had intended to have dedicated our new meetinghouse, but not being able to get the painting all done and the fence in front ^also^ we put off the dedication till the 29th Inst We ^however^ held meetings with a crowded house—a great many not being able to gain admittance We had a native feast on Saturday there were many ^hundred in^ in atten- dance it took ten hogs, one Beef and etc. It was intended to have made the feast a source of revenue for the Benefit of


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Apr 10, 1888