IT has been decided to dedicate the
Manti Temple on MONDAY, MAY 21,
1888. The dedicatory services will
commence at 10 o'clock a.m.
The Quarterly Conference of the
Sanpete Stake will be held on Satur-
day and Sunday, the 19th and 20th of
It may be necessary to continue
the service of dedication more than
one day. This will depend upon the
number of persons who may be pres-
ent, and who may desire to witness
and take part in the proceedings.
At Logan the number of persons pres-
ent was so great that it required
three days' services to enable all who
desired to be present to get admis-
sion to the Temple.
The facilities for reaching Manti are
not so good as they were for reach-
ing Logan. The Utah Central Rail-
road runs from the north and south to
Nephi. At that point the Sanpete
Valley Railroad connects with it and
reaches into Sanpete as far as Ches-
ter, a distance of about fifteen miles
from Manti. From this point convey-
ance will necessarily be by teams.
While it is desirable that all the offi-
cers and members of the Church who
can possibly be present at the dedica-
tion should be three [there], still it will be
necessary for all who go, to make
their own arrangements for transpor-
tation from Chester to Manti, and also
for their entertainment while there,
either at Manti or some of the adjacent
settlements. The accommodations at
Manti are limited; but on such an oc-
casion as this, no doubt, everything
will be done that is possible by the
residents to make the visitors com-
fortable and to furnish th the nec-
essary entertainment.
By addressing letters to the
Presidency of the Sanpete Stake
—President Canute Peterson and
his Counselors, Henry Beal and
John B. Maiben—or to Super-
intendent William H. Folsom, of the
Manti Temple, arrangements, doubt-
less, can be made by visitors both for
transportation and accommodation.
Admission to the Dedication services
will be by ticket. These tickets will
be given to the Presidents of Stakes,
and, in their absence, to their Coun-
selors or the Bishops, and by them will
be distributed to the members of their
Stakes and Wards who are in good
standing. It will be well for the
members who desire to go to
Manti on this occassion to ascer-
tain beforehand whether the Presi-
dency of the Stake or the Bishop and
Counselors of the Ward to which they
belong will be at the Dedicaton ser-
vices; for if none of these should be
present, they ought to provide them-
selves, before leaving home, with let-
ters of recommendation, so that they
may be admitted to the Temple with-
out question.
Special rates on the railroads will
be made to all persons going to and
returning from Manti on this occa-
On behalf of the Council of the