Day in the Life

Jun 14, 1888

Journal Entry

June 14, 1888 ~ Thursday

14 A hand pointing to the right I signed 44 Recommends. I received 28 Letters I
signed 33 Public Letters to the Presidency of all the stakes
upon the subject of Education. I had Meetings upon the
case of our Law Suits with the Government Met with our
Lawyiers & Maud & Trumbo A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Dr Maggie C Shipp


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Letter to Thomas Edwin Ricks, 14 June 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah, President Thomas E. Ricks and Counselors, Rexburg. Dear Brethren: I have received your letter of the 11th inst, and am very much gratified at mhearing of the visits that you have made to the Wards on the north side of Snake River and the excellent spirit which you describe as pre- vailing among the people, and that the Stake is in such a good condition temporally and spiritually. It will be quite right for you to organize the Egin Ward and to appoint Brother Daniel G. Miller for Bishop. When any of the Twelve visit that region his ordination can be attended to. In the meantime it will be well to submit his name to the High Council for their approval, and also ascertain whether he will be agreeable to the people. With kind regards, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Jun 14, 1888