Day in the Life

Jun 19, 1888

Journal Entry

June 19, 1888 ~ Tuesday

19. A hand pointing to the right I signed 28 recommends I received 24 Letters
I wrote 6 Public Letters

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Letter from William King, 19 June 1888
President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Enclosed please find a receipt for Two hundred and forty seven & a half Dollars ($24750) paid Bro Dean to forward him on his mission to Samoa according to your directions. Please credit our Tithing acct. At the dedication of our Honolulu Meeting house April 29th in our statement of Receipts and expendatures we find ourselves somewhat in debt. Cost of Building $4,293.85 Total amount of recipts 3036.96 Balance due $1256.62 I have given my note payable next October, we are using every effort among the Native Saints to raise it by contributions. But I fear we will come behind, in view of this would ^it^ be consistant or posable for the Church to give us and order on the Tithing we hold here in the office. (I say in this office if not we should have it here) it would relieve us of ^our^ debt and pay another. That is as much as you in your wisdom may see fit to ^give^. I am pleased to report to you of the general
Letter from Andrew J. Stewart, 19 June 1888
Salt Lake City, President W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother I have just arrived here from Chihuahua, Mexico. I missed Br Thatcher & Company as I came up. Br Brown and myself have an Option on a tract of Land on the Corralitos, embracing nearly all the Land from Diaz to Juarez, or at least about all the farm lands on the Coralitos River, including the Town of Cerileton Baranens and two small Towns about three hundred houses, machinery & mill, etc. The farm lands about three hundred thousand ^acrers with water,^ and about two hundre d thousand acrers of Pasture ^some^ with water, I think, for all the


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Jun 19, 1888