Day in the Life

Aug 14, 1888

Journal Entry

August 14, 1888 ~ Tuesday

Aug 14, 1888
A hand pointing to the right I signed ^34^ recommends. I received 23 Letters. I wrote
10 Letters 7 to Missionaries, & to Hammond, Bates & Wm Atkin. I went
to the field & spent the night 3 Miles


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Letter to Willard Farr, 14 August 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah, Elder Willard Farr, Sec. Board of Education of St. Johns Stake. Dear Brother: I am in receipt of your favor of the 3rd. inst., in which you inform me of the election of a Board of Education for the St. Johns Stake. We are gratified to learn that the Saints received the announcement of the formation of a Board of Education for the Stake with joy; and while there are, no doubt, many obstacles in the way of your accomplish- ing the object aimed at, as is the case in very many, if not all, of the Stakes, still if we keep this subject properly before us and pursue it energetically, the Lord will open up our way and prosper us to a very great extent, because it is a movement that if maintained and carried forward in the right spirit will result in great advantage to Zion. The Lord has made many promises to Zion, and every effort of ours to build up Zion in the spirit of Zion will be crowned with success. We have not thought it necessary at the present time
Letter to William Atkin, 14 August 1888
Salt Lake U. T. William Atkin Dear Brother I have lying before me of July 29 & Aug 7, both of which I Read with much interest You ask about Asahel I took Emma & Blanche Alice Clara & Husband Ovando Beebe & went up to Asahels Lodge and spent about a week with him I took up 2 tents with me & the 2nd Night He had so much company He could not accomodate them with tents I let him have both of mine & went into the carriage with my Wife and the children slept the best they could Asahel had No place to sleep But He soon got 20 tents pitched & all had a place to sleep He had a bout 50 guests
Letter from John Wells Hess, 14 August 1888
Farmington President Willford Woodruff Dear Brother, Will you pleas grant me an order on the Tithing Office of Farmington for three hundred Dollar on acount of my labors on the Lamonite Mishon at Washakie I would not want to Draw only about one third of this amount and youse the Bolance in paying my own tithing I would not ask this amount in vew of the Embarising Sircomstances of the chirch but I have Spent a great eal of my time in the way States above so that my incom comes far short of providing for the n esecities of my famely if you could Do this I would be greatley obliged to you with kind Regards I Remain your brother in the Gospel John W. Hess


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 14, 1888