Day in the Life

Aug 22, 1888

Journal Entry

August 22, 1888 ~ Wednesday

22 A hand pointing to the right I signed 41 recommended I Received 43 Letters
I wrote 11 Letters 7 Pub[lic] & ^4^ to Badlam Jaques Thompson & Bleak
I spent the night at Br McDonalds


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions

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Letter from Walter Gillespie Adamson, 22 August 1888

Lake View President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother i receved your letter of the 14 ins I will endeavour with the help of the Lord t to be ready on the 10th Oct or the 14 Nov at best i remain your in Gospel Walter G Adamson Moses Martin Bp Hugh S. Gowans Prest. Tooele Stake. W W

Letter from Edward Martin Perkins, 22 August 1888

Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Beloved Brother Your letter of 14th inst notifying me that I had been chosen to fill a mission to Great Brittin and to be prepared to start from Salt Lake City by Oct 10th or Nov 14th is received, and in reply will say: I am very glad to know that I am considered worthy to fill such an important mission and will make every effort possible to arrange my business affairs so that I may be on hand as required but I will be under the necessity of selling a team or something

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 22 August 1888

[end sideways text] BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A. O. SMOOT, President, H. H. CLUFF, W. H. DUSENBERRY, M. TANNER, D. C. YOUNG, J. E. TALMADE. KARL G. MAESER, Principal PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE Brigham Young Academy. Provo City, Utah, August 22 1888 President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your favor, announcing your approval of the names of the ten Beneficiaries for the Church appropriation, has been received, for which many thanks. Our Academy commenced August 6 with 121 students, the largest opening we have had since the fire, and we have reached up to date 155. Bro. Alma Greenwood, Principal of the Millard Stake Academy at Fillmore, called on me today in matters of his Academy. He is on his way to Salt Lake for the purpose of seeking an interview with you to lay the affairs of his institution before you and get some instructions. As Bro. Greenwood is the first Principal of any Stake Academy star- ted outside of the B. Y. A. and one of my own educational sons, I recommend him to your kind considerations. Bro. Stewardson, of Benjamin called me one day before yesterday desiring ^me^ to furnish a Principal for a Church academy to be

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 22 August 1888

Rexburg, Bingham Co., Idaho, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Chairman Educational board Dear Bro. We have organized our Stake Board with the following named brethren Pres. T. E. Ricks, Jacob Spori, Jas. E. Fogg, of Rexburg, W. M. Parker, of Parker ward, John Donaldson, of Teton, Richard Jardine, of Louisvill and, Jas. E. Steele, of Iona. We have organized our board with T. E. Ricks as chairman, and Jacob Spori as sec[retary]. We have a room that will accomodate at least 75 students and can arrange for more room if nescessary We think we will have that many at the start. Would pbe pleased to have you naeme a Principal, and would like to know what assistance we can depend upon from the church, so as to know what rates to fix upon for our Tuition fees. Our people are neither rich nor poor. They seem willing

Letter from Ammon Meshach Tenney, 22 August 1888

Zenos, Maricopa Co., Arizona, Dear Bro Allen Your kind letter reached me yestorday in regard to Elder Greer he has been quite anxious about his family but Had decided to remain in the field untill next Nov. so as to complete one year but when your letter arrived it spoke so favorably of his release that I game him his choice to go now or remain untill his release could come from you and he Elected to go at once & has gone with a Promis that heI would send him his release so soon as you could forward it to me as to his return or the calling of other Elders I feel reticent on this subject as my Brethren who have been with me accused me of being the means of having them called, & I am taunted with the fact that I offered myself for a mission otherwise I would never Have been called if I could be of any service in naming men who could speak the Spanish & be assured that this fact would be kept confedential I could name quite a number. And as to Bro Greers return I would suggest by all means to allow him to choose


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 22, 1888