Day in the Life

Aug 23, 1888

Journal Entry

August 23, 1888 ~ Thursday

Aug 23
I signed 32 ^58^ recommends I received 245 ^45^ Letter
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 8 pub[lic] Letters & 1 to Mrs Young I had an
interview with Wm Budge upon Bear Lake Affairs


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Letter from Susan Amelia Young Dunford Gates, 23 August 1888
Laie. Pres. Wilford Woodruff: There is a matter which I wish to lay before you, and upon which I desire your counsel and decision. Perhaps a brief out- line or history of the subject will be as fitting an introduction as any I might choose. Sometime last winter, in Jan. I beleive, my hus- band and I were discussing the future as it re- lated to my literary labors and aspirations. I had been making an effort to introduce some of my articles in the Eastern magazines with the hope that in a quiet and humble way I might introduce place before the great reading public of America the real facts of the Mormon case, more especially in regard to women and the great priviledges which they enjoy under the gosple plan. In remarking upon the future possibilities of my plan, Jacob said to me that it would please him to see my whole time and labors ^now spent in^ literary efforts in various directions
Letter from Ira Nebeker, 23 August 1888
[end of sideways text] Nebeker, Ira President Wilford Woodruff Regarding yours referring to to a certain Lyman Meacham and a peculiar communication addressed to you by him, dated from Laketown, will say that I am not in any wise acquainted with him. I am informed that there is ^such^ a young man connected with Henry Quayle's (of Salt Lake City) sheep herder's camp located ^in the hills^ to the southwest of us. In my absence he attended our meeting and represented himself as a Seventy and a resident of one of the Morgan Stake Wards. Says he has been upon a mission to the Southern States and that his name has been sent in for another mission, and he is saying that he is saving his means and studying by way of preparation therefor. So I am informed by some of our people with ^whom^ he has talked. He is not a member of my ward,


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 23, 1888