Day in the Life

Sep 20, 1888

Journal Entry

September 20, 1888 ~ Thursday

20. I signed 60 Recommends. I received 40 Letters. I wrote
6 Letters public I had an interview in the Evening with 3
Brethren from Ogden upon political Matters


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Letter from Herrmann Frederich Kammerath, 20 September 1888
Salt Lake City President W. Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 15th inst. was carefully read. I shall not be able to respond till Nov. 14th as requested in yours, as the latest date. Your Brother in the Gospel H. Kammerath Joseph Warburton Bishop 1st Ward Salt Lake City
Letter from Robert Allen Jones, 20 September 1888
Henefer Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro yours of the 168th received in reply would say; my feelings are the same as they were at the last April Conference when I received my first notice. Bro Campbell said if my name was handed to the twelve appostles he would notify me in regard to going on a mission, but he did not do it so that I am rather embarrased in regard to my financial condition, I am under obligations for machinery since my first letter as not being notified
Circular to the YMMIA, 20 September 1888
SALT LAKE CITY, . To the Officers of the Y.M.M.I.A.: DEAR BRETHREN. At the late con- ference of the Y.M.M.I.A., much instruction was given, relating to the organization and government of the Associations, which you no doubt heard or have since read. Pursuant to these instructions and with a view to harmo- nizing the labors of all officers and members during the approaching sea- son, we feel it opportune to direct your attention to some points that are de- serving your especial consideration. In the first place, we would like the officers to read the lectures and addresses that were delivered at the conference. (They can be found complete in the June and July numbers of THE CONTRIBUTOR.) If you carefully read and reflect upon these, you will better understand the import of this communication. As soon after the October conference as convenient, it is expected that the officers of each Association will get to- gether in council, arrange for the time of holding meetings and call the members of their respective Associations together. At the first meeting the old roll will be called, and the names of those who answer present entered as the com- mencement of the new roll for the year. Other names will be entered as they come in at subsequent meetings. The present officers will continue in office until such time as appointments are made by the Stake Superintendency, for the annual election in each Asssociation when others may be chosen, if a change is thought desirable. At your first meet- ings you should lay before the Associa-

Sep 20, 1888