Day in the Life

Sep 21, 1888

Journal Entry

September 21, 1888 ~ Friday

21 A hand pointing to the right I signed 29 Recommends I received 24 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to David Hilton & went to the field


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5 mentions

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Letter from John Blackie Reid, 21 September 1888
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In reply to yours of the 18th ins in reference to my going on a mission to the Southern States I am ready to obey the Call made upon me and would prefer to leave this city on November the 6th as that would best Suit my circumstances Hopeing this will meet with your approval I Remain Yours J. B. Reid F. Kesler Bishop
Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, 21 September 1888
F. D. Richards City In re JContributor indebt- edness to the Deseret News Co. Red Sept 27 [18]88 attended to by the council [end of sideways text] W. WOODRUFF, Church Historian & Recorder. F. D. RICHARDS, Assistant Historian & Recorder. Historian & Recorder's Office of the Church of Jesus Christ OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. P. O. BOX 321 Salt Lake City, Utah Sept 21st 1888 Prest. Wilford Woodruff Joseph F. Smith and Moses Thatcher General Superintendents of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations. Beloved Brothren— I am requested by the Board of Directors of the Deseret News Company to address you this note of enquiry. Brother Junius F. Wells, Editor of the "Contributor," has obtained credit of the "Deseret News" Company for the pub- lication of that work, and has accumulated an indebtedness therefor amounting to $4,52080, exclusive of the work done during the first half of the present month. When urged by our collector to make a payment, he says: "In reply, permit me to say that the account up to Nov. 1, 1887, amounting to $2,600, is in the hands of the General Superintendency Y.M.M.I.A., from whom I am looking for advice as to its settlement." The information we respectfully ask is whether the General superintendency have assumed, or are likely to assume, the payment of the $2,600 named by Brother Wells. It being known to part of the Directors that a sum of $5,000 has been guaranteed to the Young Men's Mutual Improvement
Letter from Gilbert Dunlap Greer, 21 September 1888
Lewis Allan Esqr Salt Lake City Dear Bro--I received your letter of sept 5 and release from Lamanite Mission through Bro Tenney of Sept August 30 and makes me feel better than I otherwise would have felt for the kind and encouraging words you express for me, not but what I have taken great satisfaction in my labors among the Lamanites It is nine years next november since I received your letter notifying that I was called on the Lamanite mission. My conscience many times has condemned me for not doing more than I have done. still I have went when called and done perhaps as well as many others of that mission if that is any consolation. There is a blessing and a consolation in obeying that only those who obey sense and realize I hope that I may always have sufficient of the Holy Spirit to respond to any and all calls that may be made of me

Sep 21, 1888