Day in the Life

Oct 2, 1888

Journal Entry

October 02, 1888 ~ Tuesday

Oct 2nd 1888
A hand pointing to the right I signed 25 recommends I received ^21^ Letters I wrote
5 Letters public I was in council with the Twelve untill
Dark we have great Trouble to settle with Dyer and
Peters as we have trouble to turn over the cattle we
concluded to Pay him the Money about $225000


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Letter from Richard Whitehead Young, 24 October 1888
Apostle Wilford Woodruff and Brethren of the Twelve, Dear Brethren: I have received your communication dated the 26th ultimo. In reply thereto I desire to inform you of my conclusion to resign from the army. I purpose entering upon the practice of law in this city on the 15th of this month, at which time I shall relinquish the allowance heretofore, for some months, granted me for my mother, which I take this oppor- tunity to thank you for. If circum- stances justify it and my services will be of any value in the present legal crusade against the Latter Day Saints, I would solicit employment for such salary as you may judge expedient. Very respectfully, Richard W. Young.
Letter from John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 2 October 1888
X Office St George Stake, St George, , Dear President Woodruff. Your letter of date 27th Sept 1888. In regard to Elder D D McArthur succeeding me in the Presidency of the St George Stake of Zion is before me. He was in this morning, has been poorly, he felt so bad on Sunday afternoon he had to leave the meeting, is some better; I showed him your letter, and while reading it Bro [Prima] brought him one from you, in relation to his ap- pointment, &c. The feeling of my soul in regard to this matter prompts me to say, it is right. Those few words at the close of your letter, "In releasing you Brother Mc Allister, we do so with the kindliest and warmest feeling's towards you, and with our blessing for your zealous and faithful labors whilst you have occupied this position" gives me joy. I may say great satisfaction. What do you think we had better do, to give publicity to this mat ter? I will turn Books, papers &c. at once, shall we call a special conference of the stake, or a stake Priesthood meeting, or shall I notify the Bishops by letter. please w let me know your mind on this your Brother John D. T. McAllister
Letter from Richard Whitehead Young, 2 October 1888
Apostle Wilford Woodruff and Brethren of the Twelve, Dear Brethren: I have received your communication dated the 26th ultimo. In reply thereto I desire to inform you of my conclusion to resign from the army. I purpose entering upon the practice of law in this city on the 15th of this month, at which time I shall relinquish the allowance heretofore, for some months, granted me for my mother—which I take this oppor- tunity to thank you for. If circum- stances justify it and my services will be of any value in the present legal crusade against the Latter Day Saints, I would solicit employment for such salary as you may judge expedient. Very respectfully, Richard W. Young.

Oct 2, 1888