Day in the Life

Oct 10, 1888

Journal Entry

October 10, 1888 ~ Wednesday

10 I signed 58 recommends I signreceived 35 Letters
I spent the day in council with the Twelve And the evening
in a Meeting of the Board. We Appointed T G Webber the
superintendent of the Coop & M Thatcher H. J. Grant and
G Romney the finance committe


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Romney, George
14 Aug 1831 - 1 Feb 1920
64 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
276 mentions
446 mentions

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Letter from Janne Mattson Sjödahl, 10 October 1888

Salt Lake City J. M. Sojdahl Oct. 10th 1888. Rec Oct 10 [18]88 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake. Dear brother, Having finished my work here and being about to start for home, I thought I would send a few words and very cordially thank you for all kindness shown to me during the same. I have also a question which I would be thank- ful for having answered, if possible before I go home, and that is whether I am expected to take a mission to Turkey. I have had no official notification at all, and do not, conse-

Letter from John Bushman, 10 October 1888

St. Joseph, Arizona, . Pres. W. Woodruff, S. L. City Dear Brother: I beg leave to state that after experiencing great delays in sending our report to the Committee—who are so widely scattered; one living at Tuba City, one at Rama, New Mexico, one at Bush Valley, & one at St. Johns, we now submit it to you, we wish to refer to Elder Brigham Young as able to make any explanation you may wish as he was conversant with the Business. I am your Brother in the Covenant. John Bushman, Chairman

Legal - ZCMI Bond, October 1888

Elias A Smith Probate Judge Salt Lake Co

Letter from William King, 10 October 1888

President Woodruff Dear Brother Your very welcome and interesting letter of Aug 17th reached meus Sept 4th But as I had nothing special to write I have ^de^ fered waiting till now. I am pleased to state that we are all in the enjoyment of good health. Our Semianuel Conference ajdjourned on the 7th of Oct having begun on the 5th We had an unusualy large number of representatives from the other Islands and Honolulu consequently a very interesting time one of our most interesting meetings was our Sunday School exhibition which lasted three hours there were two prizes for to be given to the two best schools there were four schools competing. The first prize was an enlarged painting picture of President G. Q. Cannon painted by Enoch Farr Jr which was awarded to the Laie Sunday School the second a map of South America representing the Nephites landing and many of their cities awarded

Letter from John Bushman, 10 October 1888

John Bushman St Joseph, Arizona. Rcd Oct 17 [18]88 Ansd Oct 22 [18]88 St Joseph Oct 10th 1888 Pres. W. Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother I Beg leave to state that after expeariencing great Delays in sending our Report to the Committe—who are so widely stcattered; one liveing at Tuba City, one at Rama, New memxico, one at Bush Valey, & one at St. Johns, we now Submit it to you, we wish to refer to Elder Brigham Young as able to make any expla- nation you may wish as he was conversant with the Business

Oct 10, 1888