Day in the Life

Dec 11, 1888

Journal Entry

December 11, 1888 ~ Tuesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I signed 26 Recommends. I Received 17 Letters I wrote
25 Letters 21 Pub & to McKenzie, Thompson Jaques & McAllister
I had an interview with J D T M F M Lyman who
had just returned from Canida A coffin Ilus F Carter Died to day Ilus F Carter Died Dec 12 [18]88


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McKenzie, David
27 Dec 1834 - 10 Mar 1912
Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
277 mentions
Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
409 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
661 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions


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Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 11 December 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah, . President F. A. Hammond, Bluff City, San Juan Co., Dear Brother:- Your short note from Moab under date of Nov. 28th, respecting the notice of Southern Ute Commission, of their treaty with the Indians, etc., came duly to hand. In addition to what we said when you were here at this city on your last visit I would say, that in breaking up the homes of the Saints at Bluff City, Monte- cello aod other places which comle in the section of country ceded to the Indians, that great care should be taken to show to the government the full extent of the losses and elxpense to the people in making their homes in that country, and now in vacating the same, after years of toil and hardship that only such settlers are cap able of enduring, a due and proper regard to this matter should he had, knowing that the government is very tardy in acting upon such claims, also in the great desire o[f] some to cut down and deprive the actual and worthy settlers of their just dues. In making new homes we desire and call upon the Saints to not leave that section of country, but that they locate themselves at the settlements of Burnham, La Platta and such other places in the near vicinity of the Navajoe Indian Reserv
Letter from Ann Lock, 11 December 1888
Emery Co. Utah Presedent Woodruff dear brother I now take the liberty of writing to you We left Manti 2 years ago last October and came to Ferrons thinking to farm. brother Lock was working on the Temple and did not get any money Brother Fulsom told him that he must ta ke some Horses for his pay so he took two and paid 100 and 60 dollars for them and came out here thinking to farm and get a little money but one was so old that it died in a few wee ks after we got here the other was lame amd we sold it for a thousand feet of lumber then we had no teem ^and^ have not been


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Dec 11, 1888