Day in the Life

Jan 4, 1889

Journal Entry

January 04, 1889 ~ Friday

4th I spent the day looking over My Journal and
waiting on my Brother Azmon who is entirely helpless


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Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
367 mentions


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This day commenses a New year. 1888 is past and gone and borne its report to Heaven of all Men. what 1889 will bring to Pass time must Determin. Darkness covers the Earth, & gross Darkness the People And the warfare of Priest & People is still against the Church & Kingdom of God on the Earth. There is an Exertion made in Washington to get Utah Admitted into the Union as a state with the other Territories but there is a strong opposition to it by our Enemies.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Jacob Spori, 4 January 1890
Jacob Spori. Rexburg, Idaho, Jan. 4. 1889. Red Jan 10 [18]89 and Jan 10 [18]89 President Wilford Woodruff! It is only by counsel of the Stake authority that I take the liberty to send this communication: Mischa (Michael) Markoff from Servia, living in Alexandria, Egypte in 1886/87, had a dream to sell out his barbershop and take the next Steamer for Constantinople. He did so. I happened to be on the same Steamer, being just released from my Mission in the Orient and returning from Jerusalem via Jaffa, Port Said, Alxexandria and Constan- tinople in January [18]87. The 1st of February M. Markoff was baptized by Br. Hintze, Tanner and myself in the Marmora Sea, and from the enclosed letter we learn, that Br. Hintze ordained Br. Markoff to be an Elder onthe 24. of Febr. [18]88. Br. Markoff sends me the enclosed letter, which, by counsel of the Stake authrotity, I should forward to the Pre-
Letter from Isaac Sears, 4 January 1889
Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear ! Brother In replying to your Letter dated January 3 - 1889 will say, that I have fully noted the contents, and shall be ready by the date mentioned viz February 26 [18]89. Yours truly Isaac Sears I endorse the above. A. Mc Rae. Bp 11th Ward.


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Jan 4, 1889