Day in the Life

Jan 11, 1889

Journal Entry

January 11, 1889 ~ Friday

11 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day writing & waiting upon Azmon
I[t] seemed as though his spirit would leave his body
any Moment I signed 5 Public Letters.


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Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
365 mentions

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Letter from James Frederick Washburn, 11 January 1889

Huntington 18/89 President W. Woodruff Dear brother, I received your letter of the 3rd. calling me on ^a^ mission to the Southern States. I Will say in answer that I very much feel my weekness and inability to take such a mission, as I am very young and eunexpearinced. But I have always held myself in rediness for any call that might be placed on me in the Church of God. I thank God that I have a name and a stan[d]ing in his Church and that I am consitered worthy to go and preach and explain the principals of the everlasting

Letter from Lorentz Petersen, 11 January 1889

President W. Woodruff! Dear Brother: Your letter dated the 3rd this mont came duly to hand and I think to be ready at the time required by the help of the Lord Your brother in the gospel Lorenzo Petersen O. K. S M Molen Bp.

Letter from William Collard, 11 January 1889

Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your letter of the 3 Ins't Accepting me as a miss- ionary to the Southern States is received. In answer will say that I will be on hand to leave the city on the day appointed. I feel truly thankful I am worthy of this calling and sincerely hope I may sow the good seed of truth and be instrument- al in the hands of

Letter from Ephraim Peter Johnson, 11 January 1889

Brigham City President Wilford Woodruff Dear brother: With pleasure I answer the letter received from ^you^ Dec, 5 I will be ready to start at the time mentioned. But if there is a company going to start later I would like to be put off until then, as it will break badly into my school to start at the time mentioned. Hoping to hear from you again I remain as ever your brother. Ephraim Johnson Jonah Mathias 2nd Councellor

Letter from James Warren Hendricks, 11 January 1889

Pres. Wilford. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear. Brother I receive your letter bearing date of Jan 3th in answer, I will arrange my Busness and be redy to start at the appointed time tusday February 26th. I will be in Salt Lake on the 24th if all will Your Brother in the Gospel J. W. Hendricks I hereby endorse the above} Wm L Skidmore Bp.

Letter from Ralph Maxwell, 11 January 1889

President Woodruff & [Bren] Salt Lake City Dear Bros I Received yours of the 3rd last Tuesday calling me to go to Great Britain as a Missionary my feeling- s in Regard to the call is I. am willing to go and do the Best I can I Know it is my duty as a Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is to go to where ever i am sent to Promulgate the Everlasting Gosple. when called by those haveing Authority. and by the help of god my Heaven- ly Father I'll try to fulfill the


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Jan 11, 1889