Day in the Life

Jan 13, 1889

Journal Entry

January 13, 1889 ~ Sunday

13 ^ An arrow^ Sunday Azmon Has been dying all day to
day & night I have looked for his death for 2 days
& nights I was with him a part of the night


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Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
365 mentions

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Letter from Edward Thomas Parry, 13 January 1889

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother; your favor of the 3rd inst. calling me on a mission to Great Britain and requesting me to make arrangements to start from Salt Lake City on Tuesday February 26, 1889. Was duly received and the contents thereof noted, I am willing to respond to the call and will so arrange my affairs to be ready to start at the time appointed, and with the help and blessing of the Lord do my best to fill the mission assigned me in an honorable and creditable manner. Thanking you for considering

Letter from Alvin Asa Walters, 13 January 1889

Tooele City Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I receivied yours of the 3rd in which you notify me of my services being required to fill a mission to Great Britian and also to know my feelings in regard to this call I feel that I am a very weak instrumet to Proclaim the Gospel of peace But with the help of my Havenly Father I will go and do the best I can and will be ready by the 9th of April 1889 Yours Respectfully Alvin. A. Walters Thomas Atkin Bp Tooele Ward

Letter from James Ross Smith, 13 January 1889

To President Woodruff Dear Brother your letter of the third come to hand. I See by it you wish me to take a mission to Great Britain. I feel willing to obay the call and do the best I can in the Estabiling the Gospel upon the Earth I will make arrangements to Start on the date gaving in your letter your Brother in the Gospel James R Smith S.H.W Apollos. G. Driggs Bishop

Letter from W. N. Stephens, 13 January 1889

Menan, Bingham Co., Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother We are gr^e^atly in need of some one who is capable of leading our Choir also, a Schoolteacher a Blacksmith and a Shoemaker. My Councilors and my self have been trying to get some men of this kind hear but it Seams impossible to do so. One of my councilors has just returned from Logan he had a talk with Brother Thather and he advised us to write to you and State our condition and he thought you could help us out we have a large Townsite laid out and the lots are not all taken yet it seaems to me that there must be men in that country that would be glad to come here if they only knew what kind of a couuntry we have Please let us know if anything can be don for us in this way and oblige your brother in the Gospell W. N. Stephens B.P. Menan Ward


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Jan 13, 1889