Day in the Life

Jan 18, 1889

Journal Entry

January 18, 1889 ~ Friday

^18^ A hand pointing to the right I signed 22 Recommends I receivd 18 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 7 Public I went to the farm 6 M[iles]


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Letter from Alif Ericksen, 18 January 1889

Mount Pleasant . President Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother; I hope you will pardon me for being so dilatory in answering your letter of Jan 2nd, in which I was called to act as a missionary. I am willing to go, and shall en- deavor to be on hand at the time appointed, provided I can raise the money to pay my way, which I trust I shall be able to do. Yours Respectfully Alif Ericksen. N P Madsen Bp

Letter from John Thomas Crane, 18 January 1889

Prisedent. W. Woodruff Dear Bro Yours of the 3rd came to hand in refferance to its contents I would say my circumstances is poor as I am in debt about $300.00/100 which I cannot cancil by Feb 20th next but I will do it as soon as I can if you will allow me till April I will try and respond please send answer to this and I will make my arrang- ements accordingly Yours &c J. T. Crane James S Jensen Bp Salina

Letter from William Henry Evans, 18 January 1889

President, W, Woodruff Dear Bro Bp J S Jensen sent in my name with other Brethen a few months ago recommending me to you as been willing to fill a mission in England but as I was looking after the tithing of this place would ask that I be excused untill next spring. I would therefore say that I wish to do some work in the Temple before leaving and I will be ready and willing to go to England any time in April next if you wish me to go. If it is your wish that I should go will you please notify me now as I have to sell my team and would like to make my arrangements accordingly hoping this will meet with your approval I remain Yours &c Wm H Evans

Letter from Charles Innes Robson, 18 January 1889

Zenos, Maricopa Co., Arizona, President Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother yours of Jany 3rd received and the contents attended to with the exception of a visit among the Laminites which we will do as soon as we get our tithing reports of I wish to explain to you our exact sittuation there is several of the Brethern here that was in Prison that have had increase in their familey since they came out. My Councill to them is go to take part of their famileys and Locate them in Mexico where they can visit back and forward. they wished me to get word from you on the subject. My own sittuation is that I have been living with my plural Wife ever since I came from Prison I am going to reverse the opperation and try and fight it through without you think otherwise please answer


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Jan 18, 1889