Day in the Life

Jan 17, 1889

Journal Entry

January 17, 1889 ~ Thursday

Jan 17, 1889
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I went to the Gordo in the Morning. I signed 17 Recommend
I received 16 Letters I wrote 6 Letters 4 Public And to John
H. Woodruff
and sent him an Obituary Also wrote to Henry
I received a Letter from John H. Woodruff son of
Thompson Woodruff I signed 132 drafts in Liverpool


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Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
138 mentions
Woodruff, John Henry
26 Aug 1857 - 4 Jan 1923
12 mentions
Woodruff, Ozem Thompson
22 Dec 1804 - 28 Dec 1893
222 mentions


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Letter from Frances Charles Mickelson, 17 January 1889

Redmond President Woodruff Dear Bro.s Yours of Jan 3rd at hand and in reply I will state that I shal indever to respond to the call, and be prepared to leave Salt Lake City at the spesified time Yours Truly F C Mickelson H. Rasmusson Bp OK LJn

Letter from Lars Kanute Peterson, 17 January 1889

Laras K Petersen Harrisville Rec Jan 21 [18]89 Accepts Mission Huntsville, Wiber, Co. January. 17, 89. Presdent, Wilford, Woodruff, Salt, Lake, City. Dear, Brother: In answer to your letder dated January 3 1889. My felings, in regard to my name has been suggested, and accepted as a missionary to Scandenavia. I will accept to this call, and whit the halp af God, try to be at hand and the dete mantion in your letder, and start for my fiald of Labor. I have faite in God that he will be with mi and helpe me in my fiald af labor, for without his helpe i am unable to do any good, to myself, nor to anny af his Children.

Letter from Dennison Emer Harris, 17 January 1889

D. E. Harris Washington D. C. Rec Jan 22 [18]89 Washingon, D. C. Jan. 17, 1889. President W. Woodruff My dear Brother: Please accept the report of the Northern States Mission for the month of January. ^(Dec.?)^ Meetings Held 193. Nights without beds 3. Sick administered to 21 Children blessed 7 Baptized 4 Members found 1 Washing of feet testimony 1. All the elders report good health except two, one of these I have released because he is laid up with the rhumatism, the other we are in hopes will get better, he being still able to ^travel^

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richard, 17 January 1889

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Prest. Woodruff—Day before yesterday I issued to Sister E. B. Norman a receipt of which the following is a copy. Jan. 15, 1889. This certifies that Emma B. Norman a resident of the 15th Ward of this Salt Lake City has requested me to receive the sum of one thousand dollars which she instructs me to distribute as a voluntary contribution on her part to the following named persons, and for the purposes stated herein— To President Wilford Woodruff for the work on the S. Lake Temple ^paid Dec 9 [18]82^ 400.00 To emigrate the worthy poor ^Paid Feb 4 [18]89^ 400.00 To assist traveling Elders 50.00 A present to President Woodruff 50.00 A present to George Teasdale 50.00 A present to F. D. Richards 50.00 Paid $1000.00. I [purs none] of the above I have this day deposited $800.00 to your credit in Savings Bank and pay you $100.00 for yourself & traveling- Elders. I have retained the $50.00 for myself over


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Jan 17, 1889