Day in the Life

Jan 28, 1889

Journal Entry

January 28, 1889 ~ Monday

28 A hand pointing to the right I went to the Gardo I signed 59 Recommends, 34 Letters
I received 34 Letters I wrote 1 Letter I had an interview
with Charles W Stayner at the H.O.


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Letter from Henry Yates, 28 January 1889
Henry Yates Clarkston Cach Co Utah Rec Feb 1 [18]89 Jan 28, 1889 President Woodrough Dear Brother Yours off the 22nd is to hand. I hasten to reply to your request trusting this will find you in good health as it leaves me, and I feel to day as i have for over 40 years in this Kingdom to be ready at the call of my Breatheren the servants of God I am willing to go and do the best I can according to my abbility with the help of my Heavenly Father and the prayers off my good breathern knowing that in so doing I am in the the parth of safty I take pleasure in
Letter from Warren Marshall Johnson, 28 January 1889
President W. Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of Jan 3rd has been received. In my former letter to you I stated that I was in debt to the owners of the Ferry between 2 and 3 thousand dollars. That debt has been incurred by the proprietors not making any arrangement to receive the amount due them. We have to take for ferriage a considerable amount of perishable articles, which is all charged against me. Now I do not feel that it is right and just to have it run in this manner any longer, ^NOT CAPS^ as it will, if it has not aLREADY RUIN ME FINANCIALLY. I have some stock that I would like to turn out on my indebtedness. I understand that John W. Young ownes or has a considerable interest in the House Rock Ranch and cannot you make an arrangement with him to receive the (Not cap)stock, as his is the nearest good ranch to the Ferry. If that is not practicable, what arrangement can you make in reference to the matter. Your Brother in the Gospel Warren M. Johnson $40.00 Inclosed I send Forty dollars on account Yours etc Warren M. Johndon"


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Jan 28, 1889