Day in the Life

Jan 29, 1889

Journal Entry

January 29, 1889 ~ Tuesday

January 29, 1889
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I signed 32 Recommends. I received 9 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters wrote Aphek L Woodruff & Horatio Stanley


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Woodruff, Aphek Lorenzo
12 Aug 1827 - 15 Jan 1891
27 mentions
8 mentions

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Letter from James Woolstenhulme, 29 January 1889

Kamas President Woodruff Dear Brother Having recieved your notice of apointment as a missionary to Great Britain I can say in reply that I am willing, knowing it to be my duty, I having meny kin in that country that have never heard the gospel. I am a little embarrassed at the present in money matters as I have just served a term of 65 day in the penitentiary and a fine of 65 dollars But the greatest hinderance in the way at present is a contract I have to furnish timbers for mining purposes at park City if I can finish by the date mentioned I shall be prepared, otherwise I dont know if the parties will release me of the contract but will be on hand as soon as possable Your Brother in the Gospel J Woolstenhulme S. F. Atwood Bp Kamas Ward Give him the time he needs. L J n

Letter from T. C. Henry, 29 January 1889

Salt Lake City, Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir The citizens of The Empire Land & Canal Company of Conejos County Colorado agree to sell or lease lands to your people on the following tearms To wit We will sell them unimproved land and water for ten dollars an acre. Tearms of sale one fifth or one tenth cash, balance of payment in five or ten years annual payments, at Eight per cent interest, our water right repersents, one and Forty four one hundredth cubic feet of water per secand of time ^for Each 80 acres^, or one hundred and sixty squar inches for Each one hundred and sixty acres. For parties who wish to lease, our tearms to offer as follows. We will lease lands in tracts to suit the parties, and pay them for braking at the rate of $225 per acre. We will fence the land, (or pay them for doing the same) build a good three room one story house, and

Letter from John Dahlquist, 29 January 1889

John Dahlquist Basin, Idaho Rcd JanFeb 1 [18]89 President Wilford Woodruff S. L City Dear Brother I received your letter the 3rd inst. Wherein I find that you have chosen me as a missionary to Scandinavia, to help in spreading the Gospel to the inhabitants of that land; And in reply will say that I am willing to respond ^to^ the call. I will be ready to start according to your request; on the 9th day of April, if the Lord lets me keep health and strength to do so. Hoping to hear from you again I remain Your Brother and co-laborer in the Gospel.

Letter from John Donaldson, Thomas Edwin Ricks, William Frederick Rigby, and Francis Christopher Edwards Gunnell, 29 January 1889

Teton President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother In January 1885 I was called by President T. E. Ricks to take an active part in aiding our brethren in the raids made upon them by the government officials in Idaho, and to assist in explaining the rights and privileges of the people that we might contend legally for every right I was afterward appointed By Pres. George Q. Cannon one of an executive committee to attend to the above mentioned business, and during the enforced absence of Pres. T. E. Ricks ^Pres.^ Wm. Budge and Pres. Hendricks I devoted a large portion of my time to that labor being com- pelled to hire during 1885, labor to the amount of $150.00 also in 1886 & 1887. in 1888 I did not spend so much time as in former years. This labor took up my time in the best season of the year, and I received no compensation only my bare travelling expenses, what little means I had of my own, I have expended for


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Jan 29, 1889