Day in the Life

Feb 2, 1889

Journal Entry

February 02, 1889 ~ Saturday

2 We shiped Azmons trunk to Henry to day packed
with goods sent it By Express Paid Freight $2.40


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Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
367 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Eugene
6 Apr 1883 - 23 Mar 1970
15 mentions

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Letter from Hans Joseph Nielson, 2 February 1889

Utah President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your notification of my appointment to a mission to the Northern States reached me to- day. In answer I desire to say that I have laid the matter before Apostles B. Young and J. H. Smith who are here and they think it would be better for my going to be postponed until next October, in view of the fact, that there is a strong probability of this county being set apart very shortly as a reservation for the Utes which would necessitate the breaking up ^of^ our settlement and compel our removal to some other locality At the same time I very willingly accept the appointment and desire to hold myself in readiness to comply with this and all other calls that may be made on me by those who are in authority over me in the priesthood. Bro Smith who will be in Salt Lake almost as soon as this letter can inform you fully in relation to our circumstances, and my feelings in regard to this matter Respectfully Your brother in the Gospel Hans. Jos. Neilson (over)

Letter from John Franklin Noyes, 2 February 1889

J. F. Noyes Provo Rcd Feb 12 [18]89 Provo, ^(Feb)^ 2nd, 1889. Wilford Woodruff Esq., Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Bro.: Your letter, contain- ing a request for me to take a mission to Great Britain, has been received and perused. In re- ply to your call will say that I accept it and feel proud that I am deemed worthy to this position. I will be ready at the mentioned time. If any

Letter from George Orrin Pitkin, 2 February 1889

Logan Presd Wilford Woodruff and Council of the Twelve Dear Brethern, In pursuance of instructions from our late President Taylor, endorsed by Presiding Bp Wm. B. Preston we have been collecting rent from the Bp Storehouse of this Stake, for the use of the offices, grounds &c used by them, since the date of the transfer of that property to our association, also from the Des Tel Co. for their office room, and from the Fourth Ward Co'op of this place, for a piece of the TO lot leased to them, for their Store. These rents have amounted to the sum of $720. In connection with other property, as you are awere the Stake Tabernacle was also deeded to this Association; and there being considerable of a debt against the Tabernacle; (which had accrued through repairs, fuel, lights, Deacon &c) We have been useing a portion of these rents, into wpay off some of these bills, and for the takeing care of it thus far; there is still some of these bill unpaid

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 2 February 1889

Rexburg, Idaho, Prest Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro. We have thought it proper to write you that our quarterly Conference will be held at Rexburg on the 17th and 18th of February—(two weeks hence) and would be pleased to have some of the Quorum of Apostles to meet with us if considered proper by you, in such case we will meet the visitors at Eagle Rock or Market Lake as you may direct, on Friday before, the weather is now mild here and prospects of a thaw, considerable sickness in some settlements and a few deaths, a general time of peace and a good spirit prevailing, the annual settlement of tithing is now in progress. Your Bro in the Gospel, T E Ricks


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Feb 2, 1889