Day in the Life

Feb 1, 1889

Journal Entry

February 01, 1889 ~ Friday

Feb 1. I spent the day at the farm I wrote Letters to David
A hand pointing to the right & Henry and Packed up Azmons trunk for Henry


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Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
365 mentions
Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Eugene
6 Apr 1883 - 23 Mar 1970
18 mentions


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Letter from Lot Smith, February 1889
Epistle to the YMMIA, February 1889
Letter from Parley Parker Pratt Jr., 1 February 1889
Salt Lake City, . Pres. W. Woodruff, Trust Tee In Trust, Dear Bro, An event occurred to-day, which was quite vexatious and hard to bear. It is written that we are to take joyfully the spoiling of our goods I suppose that means when the "spoiling" comes from an enemy: but when our brethrem come upon us, by order of the Mayor of a great city, without just cause, armed with axes, and chop down ones garden fence, leaving a persons priva- te grounds & provender open for horses and cattle to prey upon him, it becomes, in my humble opinion, a matter of serious consideration. I protested at the time & pled with the officers to stay proceedings untill the matter could be properly adjudi- cated; but all to no purpos. The late Pres. Taylor, being prompted by a generous impulse, promised to deed to me for a small consideration a small piece of ground lying just north of Dr. Park. He steped off the land himself, promising at the time a clear title, at an early day. Under the above promise, I went to work fenced in the land build a small lumber room, into which we moved, I then spent several months in hard labor, wheeling-out cobble rock


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Feb 1, 1889