Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1889

Journal Entry

February 28, 1889 ~ Thursday

28th [FIGURE 1] I signed 1927 Recommends I recieved 16 Letters
I wrote 3 Public Letters I spent the fore noon in
council with the Twelve In the Afternoon in company
with the Twelve I visited the Salt Air works 12 miles
west from the Temple Block, 16 miles by the Railway.
This company have 1000 acres of ground laid
off into salt beds which are filled with water from the
Salt Lake. They extract the soda and mangnesia from the
salt by drainage. They have a large building in which
is machinery run by an engine, for bringing in the
salt from the dump outside, grinding it, drying
again grinding it fine, sacking, or carrying to
the Railway cars where it is loaded in sacks or in
bulk. They make an excellent article of fine table salt
99 2/10 % pure. The water from the Lake is brought in
a canal some 400 yards long and is pumped by a
centrifugal pump 15 or 16 feet high in a quantity to
cover 100 acres 1 inch deep in 10 hours. They have
a capacity of grinding and sacking 50 tons of salt per
day, and have several 100 tons now on hand. It is no
doubt a grand enterprise.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Feb 28, 1889