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Day in the Life

Feb 27, 1889

Journal Entry

February 27, 1889 ~ Wednesday

27th [FIGURE 1] I signed 439 Recommends I received 21 Letters I wrote
4. I spent the day in council with the Apostles

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Letter from James Peter Olsen, 27 February 1889

[upside-down text] J. P. Olsen. Scipio Rcd FebMar 2 [18]89 [end of upside-down text] Scipio Millard Co Feb 27th, 1889. Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your valued letter of the 21st inst came safely to hand and has been carefully considered. I rejoice very much that I have been considered worthy to bear the message of eturnal life to my native land, my circumstances, however, render it very difficult for me to be ready by the time stated in your letter, if the time for starting could be posponed till the fall, say October, I could be in a very much better condition

Letter from Frederick Inebnet, 27 February 1889

Salt Lake City President. Wilford. Woodruff Dear Brother in answer to your letter nov 17th calling me on a mission to Switzerland and Germany I am pleased of the confidence you place in me in calling me to promulgate the principles of eternal truth to those in darkness. I will endeavor to make arrangement to leave on the 9th of Apr. your Brother in the Gospel Frederick. Inebnet OK L J n

Letter from Ellen Ray Matheny, 27 February 1889

Manti President W. Woodruff S L. City Dear father in the Holy Gospel in all humbleness do ^I^ write to you. I have received a letter from my Dear brother Milton ^with^ whom you are well acquainted & I seend it to you for perusal hopeing you can say samething comforting to him & after reading please return it to me? Sincerley hopeing I am not doing wrong in sending it to you. I would not like him to know I sent it he is a good humble boy and wants to do right & I hope it will not hinder him an his missio for he is desirous of staying there Truely Ellen Ray Matheny

Letter from Arthur Stayner, 27 February 1890

Salt Lake City, Utah, Presidents Woodruff, Cannon & Smith Dear Brethren: For reasons which have lately come before us and which appear to be potent we are con- strained to ask you to grant us the privilege of post- poning our interview with you today for one week. We shall esteem it a favor if you will kindly permit us to visit you on next Thursday at the hour named for today (3 O'Clock) We have pleasure in stating that the House passed the Sugar County bill yesterday. Very respectfully Elias Morris Francis Armstrong Arthur Stayner By Arthur Stayner


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Feb 27, 1889