Day in the Life

May 7, 1889

Journal Entry

May 07, 1889 ~ Tuesday

Tuesday, May 7, 1889
I had a meeting with several of the brethren at Bro
M. Thatcher's residence and went to the B. Y. College.
At 2 oclock myself & party left Logan for Salt Lake City and
arrived at 7 oclock pm. Was met at the Depot by Bro Lehi
& drove to the Gardo House office where I found Brothers
Jos. F. Smith & L John Nuttall in good health they having
attended to the office duties during my absence. I
went to the Theatre tonight and saw Boothe & Barratt
the noted actors and returned to the G. House.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4132 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
445 mentions

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Letter from Brigham Solomon, 7 May 1889
President Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your letter of notification of the 4th inst came to hand and its contents carefully read feeling thankful that that you consider me worthy to fill such a position. I hereby respond to its coll and will be ready to start and be in San Francisco at the time requested by you. Respectfully. Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ. Brigham Solomon. Salt Lake City May 8th 1889 President W. W. Woodruff Dear Brother I cheerfully endorse the this letter of acceptance of Deacon Brigham Solomon, in response to the call from you for him to take a mission to the Sand- wich Islands, and can recom mend him as being a good ^young^ man. in full fellowship in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints James Watson Bp 19th Ward Will it be necessary for Bro Solomon to have his Endowments before going on his mission? Jas Watson Bp
Letter from Arthur Stayner, 7 May 1889
Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon & Joseph F Smith Dear Brethren Being desirous of laying before you some matters which I feel assured you will find of interest, I earnestly ask the privilege of an interview at such early date and amfor such length of time as your many duties may permit. I will arrange as tersely and concisely as possible the subject I wish to have the opportunity of presenting Very respectfully Your brother in the Gospel Arthur Stayner
Letter from Henry Lunt, 7 May 1889
Henry Lunt Pinedale, Arizona Rec May 18 [18]89 Ans [May] 25 [18]89 [end of sideways text] Pinedale, Apache Co. Arizona, May 7, 1889. President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: I have felt for some time past that it was my duty to report to you my whereabouts and labors as I thought you would be pleased to hear from me and I would be very pleased indeed to receive a few lines from you and any counsel or suggestions that the Holy Spirit may prompt you to make will be thankfully received. On the night of the 26th of November 1887 I left Cedar City with my wife and four little children in compli- ance with the late Apostle Erastus Snow's letter to me received the day before; when we arrived at Virgin City the children were taken down with the Measles and we moved into an old log cabin 6 miles up North Creek where we staid for 6 weeks; during that time I visited bro Snow at Saint George who was very glad to see me; he recommended me to go to Moccason Springs 4 miles north of Pipe Springs, I did so and


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May 7, 1889