Day in the Life

May 6, 1889

Journal Entry

May 06, 1889 ~ Monday

Monday May 6, 1889
Feel well this morning. Attended meeting at 10 a. m
Brother Samuel Smith prayed. Bro L Snow spoke
33 minutes. The General and local Authorities were
presented. I spoke 5 minuts and Bro F D Richards
16 minutes. Meeting again at 2 oclock p. m.
Brother S. Roskelley prayed. I spoke to the Saints for
1 hour & 15 minutes. At each meeting the Tabernacle
was filled to excess. On Sunday an overflow meeting


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
699 mentions
Apostle, Family
Roskelley, Samuel
1 Jan 1837 - 10 Feb 1914


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Discourse 1889-05-06
PRESIDENT WOODRUFF Said that he looked upon the Relief So- ciety as a very important organization. It was organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith. As an institution it has its rights All men and all women have their rights. He looked upon it as proper for wheat to be preserved. He thought that it was better when wheat is laid up for a long time for the Bishop to take that wheat and give a receipt for it and when it was demanded it would be on hand The Relief Society are doing a great deal of good. He felt to ask God to bless them. It is a blessing to save wheat. We have plenty now but it will not always be so. All the prophecies which have been made will come to pass. He took a great deal of pride in all the institutions of the Saints. The superin- tendents and teachers of these various institutions have a mighty work before them and he felt to ask God to bless them
Discourse 1889-05-06
MONDAY. 2 P. M. The choir led the congregation in singing "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken." Elder Samuel Roskelley of- fered prayer. The choir sang. PRESIDENT WOODRUFF Said in the history of this world and the dealings of God with men it is said that the last dispensation is the greatest the Lord has given unto men on the earth. In the establishment of the kingdom in this age the God of heaven knew perfectly well what should be given the Saints in order to establish this work. He knew just exactly what His servant, the Prophet Joseph, would require to do His work. The Lord and His Son visited him and the angel of God visited the young man a score of times. He prepared him for the coming forth of the record which was to be united with the stick of Jud[ah] and go forth to the earth to the converting of the human family. The Lord knew the sacrifice this people would have to make. Lucifer knew that if he did not overthrow this prophet, this priesthood of God, his power would be taken from him. Here commenced a warfare in the beginning of the restoration of the Gos- pel in this dispensation. The devil tempted the Prophet after a similar manner to the way that he tempted the Savior. There was such power given to Joseph Smith that he knew perfectly well that he was called of the Lord While his enemies sought to destroy him by the law he was saved by the law. The three witnesses who were shown the truth of the Book of Mormon aposta- tized and turned against the Prophet, but they never denied the testimony that they had borne. Just as quick as the Church was 4 illegible words and His work. In the translating of the Book of Mormon Martin Harris obtained certain pages and they were lost, but the Lord aided the Prophet and the enemy was foiled. After translating the Book of Mormon, in the order of time the Lord gave unto Joseph the Priesthood. He received the Aaronic Priesthood and after that he received the Melchezedic Priesthood. He baptized certain ones and afterwards he organized the Church with six members. The Lord prepared a class of men who were moved upon to search for the church—to seek for the Prophet and they received the Gospel. The same power which made war in heaven began to make war upon the Saints. There was a wicked spirit entered into some of the Elders in Kirtland. It was the darkest day that he had ever seen in the Church and he never expected to see such a day again during his probation on the earth. All the Apostles but two were somewhat affected. The two were Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball. When the Prophet returned he spoke in the Tem- ple and about one half of the quorum of the Apostles were cut off. The Prophet was filled with power. When Oliver Cowdery turned from the Church his power fell with him. He returned again into the Church. Martin Harris died in the Church. David Whitmer died out- side. In the midst of this serious time the gospel was taken to England. At this time the speaker was led to go to the Fox Islands. He was told by Heber C. Kimball and president Rigdon to go and he went, and the history of that mission is before the people. One blessing that has been poured upon the Saints during all these persecutions was the Holy Ghost. It has been a great comfort unto them during the persecutions. The Lord has not forsaken us in the midst of all these things. The devil did not tri- umph in putting to death the Savior. He did not triumph when Joseph Smith and Hyrum were put to death. That same prophet with his brother Hyrum will come again to lead this people into the Celestial Kingdom of our God. Joseph Smith holds the keys of the presidency in this dispensation and will hold it for- ever and forever. Now we are in these valleys of the mountains. We have had a time of peace to build illegible But 2 illegible words 3 illegible words will not 2 illegible words to destroy this people. The Lord has given us this land. When we go and sell our inheritances we give them into the hands of the enemy. The speaker did not believe that this people would be left to go into the hands of the enemy so that they will be driven from these mountains. We are a blessed people. This people are raised up for the purpose of redeeming their dead and whenever they endeavor to do this, their enemies will be on the alert. Many of the fathers and mothers of the people were good men and women. They de- sire a work done for them. The gospel is being preached to the spirits in prison. There is a great deal to do on the other side of the vail. The blessings and power given unto us are greater than were ever given to a people in the world. He encouraged the people not to neglect their duty. Attend to the ordinances for the dead. The Saints are to become Saviors on Mount Zion. All the heaven- ly hosts are watching over the sons and daughters of Zion. There is that power and glory in this work that he be- lieved that many of this people would remain true and faithful. He did not see any reason why they should not. He knew that there were two powers on the earth. The power of God has been with this people. The Latter-day Saints have had a great desire for miracles. He had never asked the Lord for the visitation of an angel. The speaker related his experience on meeting the prophet for the first time. He knew that Joseph Smith was a proph- et. He related his experience in Lon- don, England with evil spirits. He and George A. Smith experienced the power of these spirits. The Lord sent messen- gers to them to preserve them. He did it because it was necessary. The Lord does not send messengers to answer the whims of men. The greatest testimony to the human family is the Holy Ghost It is a living testimony and it belongs to the Latter day Saints. The holy priest- hood is given unto men to minister unto the living and the dead. For all the good that men do they will be rewarded, but when they talk about salvation the priesthood is necessa- ry if men make advancement it will be by the power of the priesthood The Devil is laboring for our destruction and he will try and divide us. He don't care how it is done. He will try to sep- erate husband and wife. But husbands should be kind to their wives and wives to their husbands, and parents to their children. God loves us, he loves all of us and that principle should be with us. The speaker was glad to meet with the peo- ple. Let us try to keep the Lord with us that we may be prepared to sit down at the great marriage supper of the Lamb. The choir sang and Apostle Franklin D. Richards offered prayer and Conference adjourned for three months.


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May 6, 1889