Day in the Life

May 22, 1889

Journal Entry

May 22, 1889 ~ Wednesday

Wednesday May 22, 1889
We left Moroni at 930 a.m on the train, arrived at
Nephi at 11 a.m. Members of the Sunday School chil-
dren and others were there to greet us, headed by the Brass
Band. We walked to the Meeting House & held meeting.
Bro Cannon spoke 55 minutes and I spoke 48 minutes. I
ate dinner at Sister Teasdale's & Bro Cannon took dinner
at Sister Pitchforths. Left Nephi at 230 pm and arrived
at the lane where Bro C. H. Wilcken met me & drove me home
to the farm, at 7 oclock p.m.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2282 mentions
Teasdale, Matilda Ellen Picton
25 Mar 1858 - 6 Feb 1893


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Letter from George Farnsworth, 22 May 1889
Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., . Prest. W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro. As per instructions I forward Bill of Expenses for Gain, Lucern Seed and Labor, on Indian Farms, in Thistle Valley, viz. "Fairview." Wheat & Labor, (Gain) $ 292.65 ["Fairview."] Lucern Seed, 18.17 "Mt Plesant." Gain paid for Labor, 177.55 ["Mt Plesant."] Vitrol, (M'dse) 3.12 "Spring City." Wheat, 80.00 "Ephraim." Grain paid for Labor, 170.50 "Indianola" Grain for Seed, 115.70 [Total] 857.69 Prest H Beal's Services 3 weeks [+] 100.00 [Total] $957.69 hoping you and Prest G. Q. Cannon Arrived safe. I Remain your Brother in the Covenants, Geo Farnworth. Amt as above appropriated.


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May 22, 1889