Day in the Life

Aug 28, 1889

Journal Entry

August 28, 1889 ~ Wednesday

Aug 28, 1889
I went to the Gardo and signed 41 Recommends I received
15 Letters; I wrote ^1^ Letters to Nellie went to the farm. 6 m


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Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions


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Letter to Jesse Wentworth Crosby Jr., 28 August 1889
President Jesse W. Crosby, Jr., Chairman Panguitch Stake Board of Education. Dear Brother: We have had under consideration the case of your Church school. As you are doubtless aware from correspondence that you have had, the General Board deemed it advisable to have school terms of forty weeks in a year, thinking this would be far better as a rule than any shorter term. We adopted this as our view and published it in our Circular; but our rules are not like the laws of the Medes and Persians, that cannot be changed. We think there may be circumstances where it would not be practicable to enforce this rule without resulting in oppression and hardship to individuals, and perhaps to the Stake Board. Brother Maeser heard our expressions upon this subject, as he is one of our General Board of Education, and being zealous to carry out the views that we expressed he has felt that he had no latitude to make any change in this
Letter from Henry Weeks Sanderson, 28 August 1889
H. W. Sanderson Fairview. Rcd Aug 30 [18]89 Fairview, Sanpete Co, Utah 28th August [18]89 Prest Woodruff Dear Bro In reply to yours of the 20th inst regarding the family of Br Justus P Jordan on misson I am requested by Bp A Tucker to say that the delay in answering is in consequence of his being absent from home, and he feels that the statement as to condition of Br Jordans family has been somewhat overdrawn, as they are not in a suffering condition and have pretty plenty of means it is true that the house they wintered in last winter was a poor log house and was not much worse than common when they had occupied ^it^ previous to his going on mission, But we have arrangements made to erect them a more comfortable house for the comeing winter and shall continue to feel it our duty to see that missonarys familys do not


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Aug 28, 1889