Day in the Life

Sep 3, 1889

Journal Entry

September 03, 1889 ~ Tuesday

3 I signed 15 Recommends. I received 9 Letters I had an
interview with Many persons during the day I attended
a political Meeting in the Afternoon I spent the night at the farm 6 m


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Letter from Nephi Jackson, 3 September 1889
Nephi City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother yours of the 15 August was recieved in due time. I hope you will excuse me for not answering before, I have been away from home all summer. I have just returned. I could not very well be ready by the 18 of this month but will be on hand by 16 of October Your Brother in the Gospel Nephi Jackson David Udall Bishop OK L J n
Letter from William Read Smith, 3 September 1889
Pres Woodruff Dear Brother I desire to call your attention to the fact that our Quarterly Conference will be held next Sunday & monday at Farmington yourwe mutch desire your presents and such others of the brethren as you may see proper to invite Your Brothe[r] in the Gospell Wm R Smith


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Sep 3, 1889