Day in the Life

Sep 5, 1889

Journal Entry

September 05, 1889 ~ Thursday

5 I signed 45 Recommends I received 30 Letters I wrote
2 Letters held a prayer Circle went to the farm 6 M


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Letter from Uriah Butt, 5 September 1889
Parowan, Iron Co. Dear President Woodruff, I was at the house of Brother Thomas (I think his given name is Elijah) at Leeds, and saw a slab of marble less than a foot square, it was smooth and white except a slight cloud at one corner; and in answer to my questions learned the following Not more than 5 miles from there in a cove 1/4 mile from water he had discovered a deposit of marble as he judged millions of tons, of various shades as well as white; easy to work. He supposed it was not wanted as there were other deposits of marble in the Territory. He did not think to work it, and had not reported to any that could or that were interested in working the same; he had no objections to me reporting to such; I did not ask if he had taken any steps to sequre it. Br. T. is an old man and at times very feeble in health: is a man of extensive experience, has the irons of a press of his own invention which possess great power and easily worked; the timbers are burned, and perhaps the invention may be lost unless he is encouraged to replace the timbers. I tried to get him to revive the oil business; I think the last time I saw him he said he had planted what oil seed he had so as to have more for another season. If you wish to have the marble worked he would be pleased to assist in the same no doubt. Respectfully, Uriah Butt.
Letter from Ezra Clark Rich, 5 September 1889
Pres Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother I recieved notice yeasterday to be ready to start for Great Briton on Oct. 9th to labor as a missionary. I respond to the call willingly and will be in Salt Lake ready to start at the appointed time unless something that I do not know of now prevents me from doing so. Hoping, and feeling, that
Letter from Edward Joseph Isaacson, 5 September 1889
American Fork . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Venerable President! Brother C. J. Gustaveson of 68 Second South Str. a faithfull and devoted L. D. Saint and a fervent and constant prayer for the redemption of God's ancient, co- venant people, who is also somewhat familiar with the hebrew language, came over last Sunday to American Fork to relate me the following very remarkable Vision he has been blessed with, which I can not withold of brining it to your knowledge. Those he relates: "I met brother Woodruff and as soon as he saw me he took me by my hand saying: "You are one of those who will go to Jerusalem to preach the Gospel to the Jews: You are a Swede? and I answered "Yes", well said bro. Woodruff "there are some Swedes also in Jerusalem" While those en- gaged in our conversation, someone aproached bro. Woodruff and spoke to him, which was the cause of making bro. Woodruff worry and tired and in a minute bro. Woodruff was sitting in


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Sep 5, 1889