Day in the Life

Sep 7, 1889

Journal Entry

September 07, 1889 ~ Saturday

7 [FIGURES] I sat 7 Hours to day for my likeness to be
painted By [blank] Peterson the Artist.

I signd 30 Recommends Received 15 Letters I wrote
or signed 6 public letters 6 Miles


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Letter from George Teasdale, 7 September 1889
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: On Wednesday the 4th inst we were visited by the following brethren and sister who arrived in Liverpool from New York per Guion S. S. Nevada. There were three appointed to the Netherlands. Jos. H. Lambert, Albert Spencer and Louis W. Simmons. Eight were appointed to the British Isles and were located in the following Conferen- ces Samuel W. Western and John E. Huish, to the Bir- mingham; George Marshall and Robert H. Hodge to the Manchester; John H. Clark and Edwin John Longhurst, to the London; Charles England to the Norwich Conferences and John T. Evans to Wales. Bro. John B. Milner and his wife on a visit to relatives and business. They were all in good health and spirits. We held a council meet- ing in the morning with the missionaries and they were appointed to their fields of labor. They met with us at our evening meeting in Bittern St, and bore their testimonies and expressed their wil- lingness to do their best to fill a good mission. (Prest Jos. Leaing, of the London Conference, who was with us at our morning council, gave the brethren some most excellent counsel on missionary labors.
Letter from Charles Ora Card, 7 September 1889
Prs C. O. Card Canada Rcd Sept 23 [18]84 [end of sideways text] Card Alta Canada Sep. 7, 1889 Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah U. S. A. Dear Brother Your esteemed favor of July 30th came to hand a few days ago and I can assure you it was read and reread with much pleasure. The drouth to which I refered in my last was broken by about two weeks of re- freshing showers in July. Since that time we have had good weather although the forest fires in Brittish Columbia and Montana caused us to be enwraped with a smoky vapor that nearly obscured the sun for about a month. This month we have exprerienced a few light gentle showers which with the breezes have driven the smoke away and once more we are blessed with the light of the sun. In consequence of the dark weather our grain ripened very slowly and now we find ourselves in the midst of our harvest. This morning we had our first frost since last Spring. I am thankful to state


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Sep 7, 1889