Day in the Life

Sep 8, 1889

Journal Entry

September 08, 1889 ~ Sunday

8th I rode to Farmington to attend the Conference
at Farmington at 10 oclok Prayer By John H Hess
G. Q. Cannon spoke 71 Minutes W Woodruff 30 M
We took dinner with Br Hess. We ordained
Daniel B Harris A High Priest & a Bishop G Q.
Cannon was mouth, John W Thornly A High Priest
& 1 councillor to Bishop Harris W Woodruff mouth
Wm M. Thornley^Nolder^ A High Priest & 2nd Councillor G. Q. C.
was Mouth. Afternoon. Prayer By Seymour B Young


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2257 mentions
48 mentions
Young, Seymour Bicknell
8 Oct 1837 - 15 Dec 1924
4 mentions


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Letter from Niels Christian Edlefsen, 8 September 1889
Logan Pres: W. Woodruff Dear Brother! Our skandenaveen meeting have been increasing in number ever since you made the Apointment at our last quarterly Conference, and a most excelent Spirit has been in the Meetings— but now comes the complaint to me, from some of the Bishops, that some of the Sunday School Teachers are attending our meetings etc: well Bro Woodruff it is not possibly fer me to be responsibly in this respect, but if you think it better to change our meetings from 12 to 2 instead of as it is
Letter from David Ward, 8 September 1889
Parowan Dear Bro Woodruff I received your letter of 15 August ^to day^ notifying me of my appointment to a mission to Great Britain I accept the appointment and will try and be at the office Sep 17th ready to be set apart and receive such instruction as requisite if I am priviledge to special rate to Salt Lake please send order direct to Rush Lake Iron Co by Minersville by Beaver Co David Ward President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro I feel to indorse the call on Bro Ward for a mission to Great Briton he can leave his affairs in good shape so that his family can get along alright in his absence I believe; so that he can fill a his mission if his health does not fail he is a little odd in some respects still I think he will mak a good missionary Very Respect Yours Chas Adams, Bp OK L J n


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Sep 8, 1889