Day in the Life

Sep 20, 1889

Journal Entry

September 20, 1889 ~ Friday

20 We have a rainey Morning I signed
26 Recommends. I received 11 Letters I wrote
6 Letters. went to the farm & spent the night 6 M[iles]


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Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 20 September 1889
Salt Lake City, U. T. . Pres. F. A. Hammond, Bluff City. Dear Brother:— We have received your favor of the 11th, and it is arranged for Brother John Henry Smith to attend your conference at Moab. He may be under the necessity, however, of returning from there after the close of the Sunday meetings, as he will probably be needed here to meet with us in council. With kind regards, Your Brother, W Woodruff


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Sep 20, 1889