Day in the Life

Sep 21, 1889

Journal Entry

September 21, 1889 ~ Saturday

21. I spent the day at the farm gathering fruit


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Letter from George Teasdale, 21 September 1889
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: A company of Saints from Scandinavia, and the Swiss & German Missions, left here today per S. S. Wyoming, of the Guion Line; anThey were in charge of Elder Rasmus Larson, from Logan, with Elders Ulrich Traba, of Providence, Cache Co, and John Berg of Santaquin, Utah, as his first and second counsellors. Elder Christian Tueller, of Paris, Bear Lake, was appointed Clerk and recorder. The names of the other returning missionaries are John F. Shank, of Salt Lake City, Casper Gubler, of Santa Clara, John F. Seiter, of Newton, Cache Co, and James Clone, of Panguitch, Garfield Co. late of the Turkish Mission. In the company there are besides the returning mission- aries, 63 adults, 36 children, and 5 infants, total 112 souls. PrestJ. U. Stucki came with the emi- grants from the Swiss & German Mission. Hise is well. Last Sunday I met with the Elders and Saints in the Welsh Mission in a Conference held at Merthyr and we had a very profitable time. The anti "mormons" tried to annoy and break up our meeting, but signally failed. There were 20 Elders from Utah and we had an exceedingly
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 26 September 1889
Provo City, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In compliance with your instructions of Sept. 7th, recieved per telegram, I made appointments for my visits at Far- mington and Kaysville for Sept 11 & 12, respectively. Having a few hours to spare on Tuesday, Sept. 10, dbebtween my calls at your office, I spent them visiting the 18 Ward L.D.S. Seminary, Horace Cummings, Principal, Mrs. Hardy & Miss Snow, Assistants. I found the three classrooms, thus far occupied well filled with pu- pils, and the recitations in running order. I found, however, the Daily Programms not yet in a settled and well defined order, nor was there a Plan for the various classes made out. The discipline in Bro. Cum- mings' department did not seem to be as yet firm- ly established, while the recitations of the two lady- teachers deserve much commendation in this respect. I have called Bro. Cummings' attention to these points and have received the assurance that I shall find these draw backs overcome at my next visit. The recitations themselves, how ever, reflect much credit upon those three teachers. The pupils


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Sep 21, 1889