Day in the Life

Dec 7, 1889

Journal Entry

December 07, 1889 ~ Saturday

Dec 7, 1889
I spent the day at the farm in searching my Papers
I found a Document I had lost for 20 years A lecture from
a R R {Mas[on]}

I spent the day at the farm. In searching my
papers I found a Document I had lost for 20 years
a lecture from R Arch {[Morrison]}


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Letter from John King, 7 December 1889
Millville President Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother I except the call of the Mission to Great Britiain and By The blessings of God will be In Salt Lake City at the time appointed Respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ John King Geo O Pitkin Bp OK L J. n.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Dec 7, 1889