Day in the Life

Dec 9, 1889

Journal Entry

December 09, 1889 ~ Monday

9. I signed 23 Recommends I received 17 Letters I wrote
signed 14 public Letters I attended the Dedication of
B. Y. Hamptons New House G Q Cannon was Mouth

. I signed [blank] Recommends I received [blank] Letters I
met with several parties today


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2294 mentions

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Letter from Henry Teuscher, 9 December 1889

Paris President W. Woodruff: Dear Brother: Your letter of inquiry came to hand Dec 3 last and in reply to it I will say it was very unexpected, to be called to fill a mission but I am on hand and with the help of God I will do the best I can. I will present myself at the Historian's Office Febr 11 next as that time will suit me best in order to raise the neccessary means Your Brother in the Gospel, Henry Teuscher. Wm West Bp Paris 1st ward Bear Lake stake OK

Letter to Daniel Duncan McArthur and John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 9 December 1889

Salt Lake City, U. T. . Pres. D. D. McArthur & J. D. T. McAllister, Members of St. George Stake Association. Dear Brethren: This will introduce you to Brother James Whitehead, Jr. and Brother Willard Burton, who have been selected to go to Washington to appraise the woolen and cotton machinery of the Factory, according to the request which has been made. With kind regards, Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F Smith

Letter from Lot Smith, 9 December 1889

Tuba, A. T. President Woodruff, Dear Brother: I have complyed with what you said you would do if you were me. I paid him (A. L. Farnsworth) $1,073.75 cents when I did not owe him the 75 cts and I feel much better than I did before and one reason I think is because I done as the Servant of God told me to do and another I think is because it is better to suffer wrong than to do wrong. When you told me what I had better do I said I will say to President Wood- ruff I will do it but there is not a person proffesing to be a Latterday Saint in Arizona that can do it without Sacrifising property. Alice Ann said pay it first and say it after, that met my feelings much better than say it before it would be thought I wanted to get rid of paying it. It cost me 20 head of horses, 12 head of cows, 12 head of calves & 42 head of large fat steers & I do not think I kept the largest for a burnt offering like Saul of Israel of Old, thank God I am yet Willing to listen to Gods servents. I think I must tell you of a little incident that happened to me while I was coming from Cal I sent my son J. H. with the horses & he sent me word they were so cheap I took 2 carr load of Cattle I kept a little sly getting out of Flagstaff as I had not been seen there for years. but I was Sure the Sherriff would heare I was gone So I thought I must steer cleare of him Coming back I thought I could get off as (at) some little station near Flag. I know the Sherriff & he me so when I reached Peach Springs 150 miles from Flag in the night & me fast asleed I thought some one shook me. I opened my eyes & a man was looking down in my face & Laughing. How do you do Said he. I am well whoo are you. Jim Black said the deputy Sherriff. Well what do you want. I came for my man Said he. Well have you found him? Yes—Where, there says he pointing to a large Mexican that had just killed his man. Well said I are you not sleepy, if so go to sleep & I will watch this man. So I became Dupety & Guard over a murderer. When he awoke they got off to get more sleep and I was Willing. As soon as I got to Flag Mr. John Marshall came to me in a hurry asking if I had seen Jim Black down the road. Yes! Well did he not want you. No! I think not he did not say he did. Well wait a little, there is one more man that may be Soon came back Laughing saying the coast was cleare & that would not get me if he could help it. Thank you, Much Obliged was about the best I could think of. I have since been to the Moque Villeges Polaki, his Father Co Chaba, Cheeno, Moaiantamah & Many more remember you & when I tell them you are the big Captain now they stick out their eyes with wonder. God Bless you for ever, the folks all send love. Willard and his Mother are there I was pleased to heare Willard wanted to see you while he was sick. You may recolect him, he went with us to St. George. I have been annoyed with the Farnsworth matter but think I am about through. When the Brethren paid him the other day he would not receipt. I thought first I would stop the check, then thought Differently and let him go. Bishop Brinkerhoff said I dare not appeal to you if I am afraid of Justice I would like to know it and Repent. When I came to this little ward I told the

Letter from William Charles Spence, 9 December 1889

Prest Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: In answer to the enclosed letter from Elder L. Suhrke. I will state, that a Clergy permit same as he desires to obtain would have to be used very carefully, they are supposed to be issued only to Clergymen engaged solely as Ministers, and if at any time it was discovered by the R.R. people that Elder S. was using his permit travelling back and forth attending to his own personal duties, the permit would be taken from him. Railway Companies whose lines run from one State or Territory into another, do not have


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Dec 9, 1889