Day in the Life

Jan 16, 1890

Journal Entry

January 16, 1890 ~ Thursday

16 I was quite poorly all day I had a visit from
Brothers Merrill & Preston Also from Trombow & Clawson


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Letter from Daniel Harrington, 16 January 1890

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff: Office. Dear Bro.: Bro. Jno. W. Young writes me from New York telling me that he has rec'd my word to the effect that Will Clawson had received advice from the authorities to send sketches to San Francisco. He wishes me to state to yourself and the brethren that he is very glad that this disposition is made of the matter; as it will likely give better substucture all around & relieve him of con- siderable work, or responsibility. He states that he will send the sketches he has direct to San Francisco, and adds that he thinks it would be a good thing for you or the brethren to keep up correspondence with Bancroft's house, "so as to know their decision." Yours Very Truly, Daniel Harrington.

Letter from Daniel Harrington, 16 January 1890

Salt Lake City, Utah, . To the First Presidency of the C. of J. C. of L. D. S Dear Brethren: If agreeable to your ideas, or if the matter meets with no serious objections from you, I think of going to Ann Arbor after the Feb. city election, if practicable, or in the early fall of this year, for the purpose of taking a finishing course in law. In this regard, I may briefly say, that as I have given some time to the study and practice of law, I may, by proper indeavor, be able to do as much good for my people and myself in this field as in any other. I shall render my resignation as secretary and director of the above roads to take effect on the 31st inst. It was my intention to write to you before Bro. Can- non went east; but lack of time prevented me from doing so. Trusting that you will no consider me over confident in addressing you on this personal matter and that I may hear from you as early as convenient I am Very Truly Your Brother, Daniel Harrington

Letter from John Hafen, 16 January 1890

Pres. W. Woodruff. Salt Lake. Dear Brother: I inclose herewith instructions as received from Bro. J. W. Young. No. 7 was allotted to me. By reading the same you will readly see how the historical error was commited, on picture I sent you. I asked brother Young who drove carriage, and he answered Bro. Woodruff: that accounts for the third person setting on front of carriage. I am working today on renewed instructions which I received yesterday of Bro. Smith. Your humble servant and brother in the Gospel, John Hafen.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 16 January 1890

Rexburg, Bingham Co, Idaho, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your favor of 8th inst. to hand enclosing P. B. O. order for $55000 for which please accept my best thanks. In the matter of the ordination of Brother Steele as my second counsellor I will attend to the same. Also referring to yours of 19th ult. which I received on my return from Salt Lake. I hoped to been in a position to reply fully to this now having wrote Bro. Green but have not recived a reply yet. Brother Boyington we don't know where he is. We have considered this matter and think the two brethren themselves are more able to meet the obligation than this stake in its present circumstances, but will write you on hearing from Green I am Your Brother T E Ricks

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid 20 in cash on $1,000 sugar ^st^ 200


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Jan 16, 1890