Day in the Life

Jan 15, 1890

Journal Entry

January 15, 1890 ~ Wednesday

15 We signed 35 Recommends I received 11 Letters
I was taken quite sick in the night and I remained
at the Gardo untill 11 oclok. I then went to the farm 6 m[iles]


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Letter from Robert Holmes, 15 January 1890
land of cities in ruins in Yucatan and Guatemala.
Letter from George Teasdale, 15 January 1890
P[r]esident Wilford Woodruff, [a]nd Councillors. Dear Brethren: I have received [a] [ve]ry interesting letter from Prest J. U. Stucki which I do not think wisdom to publish as [I] think it best to use caution as our enemies [a]re on the alert and we do not propose tell- [ing] them all we are doing, but quietly attend [to] our Fathers business. I have also received an excellent letter from President Fjeldsted [a] copy of which I will also send you. [Pr]esident Fjeldsted will require the following [nu]mber of missionaries in the early spring 4 Danish, 12 Swedes and 1 Norwegian. There should be a good Elder sent to Ireland. We cannot hear anything about Eld[e]r Einar Johnson. I sent you a list Bro Stucki sent here for y[ou]r consideration. He wants some good [El]ders. We shall require in the spring for this mission 18 for England, 3 for Scotland, 5 for Wales and 2 for Ireland. I am very sorry to report that Bro. T. W. Brookbank cannot stand this climate
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 8 February 1890
T. E. Ricks Dear brother yours of the 8th is at hand and I hardly know what to say. we the five breathr en that was convicted of adul try as well as unlawfull coh abitation was given to under stand both by Bro Budge & the attornies that we would never have to pay those notes But for all that I will pay mine just as soon as I camn. it would be almost imposible for me to pay it just now I probily will se you before long and we can talk the matter over your Brother in the gospel A. G. Green


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Jan 15, 1890