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Day in the Life

Jan 25, 1890

Journal Entry

January 25, 1890 ~ Saturday

25 I spent the day at the farm & in the Evening I went
to the city to see the Exhibition of the Peoples Party
it rained hard all night which made it bad for
the procession


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Letter from Louisa Catherine Mikesell Mowery Scott, 25 January 1890
Willford Woodruff President Latter day Saints Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, I have writen for some Infor mation to several of the Brothers But Reciving no satisfactory answer hence this letter to you I wish information in Reference to the marriage of John T. Mowery & Flora Simmons and if they was Divorced when married & when Divorced now please Brother see to this and write to


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Jan 25, 1890