Day in the Life

Jul 28, 1890

Journal Entry

July 28, 1890 ~ Monday

28 I spent the day in the office I wrote one Letter
A hand pointing to the right to Sarah & received one from her


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions


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Letter from Lewis Warren Shurtliff, 28 July 1890
Ogden Prest Woodruff & Council Dear Brethren Replying to your favor of the 8th. After consulting with ^the^ Bishops of the 4th & 5th wards Ogden in respect to available missionaries for Holland. We find that the most of the brethren from that country are recent arrivals have hardly had time to locate themselves and are very poor. There are a few brethren who have been here longer, but they have recently filled missions to that country We submit the following names of brethren with their circumstances &c. 1 William Kolderwyne is in circumstances that he could go on a mission to his native land. But he requires that the Bishop should take care of his wife (he has no children) He wants it understood that she must be well looked after if he should be called on mission. 2 Benjamin Jensen is a native of Holland. has a wife is in debt for his home &c If he goes on a mission his wife will have to be supported We think he would make a good missionary. 3 Albert Bell is also a native of Holland is at pre- sent unmarried but expects to marry shortly. He has a mother 72 years old lately from Holland who is depending on him for support. He was a mission ary in Holland for several years before coming to


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Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.

Jul 28, 1890