Day in the Life

Jan 21, 1891

Journal Entry

January 21, 1891 ~ Wednesday

21 I signed 23 Recommends I received 12 letters
we met with the Bank board & other parties

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Letter from Alfred Lundberg Farrell, 21 January 1891

Franklin, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: Your letter of notification stating that I had been nominated as a missionary and to preform that mis- sion in Nutherlands Germany, was received. Fully considered and since having received the same have turned my full attention so far as necessary in making preperations to the same end, and if it lies within my power to fulfill this mission so set apart, through the help of the Lord and his leading Serv- ants, can say I am prepared and can be expected in the City on the day desired. Your in the Truth A. L. Farrell O.K. Geo L. Farrell Bp. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 21 January 1891

Logan Prest Willford Woodruff Dear Brother The quarterly conference of the Cache stake convenes sunday Feb 1st and 2nd 10 am The presence of yourself or any of the Elders, will be duly appreciated by the saints of this stake. The name of Bro William Reading, which we could not recc- omend for a missionary, has been reconsidered by us and after talking with him, we find him desireous of keeping more strictly to the requirem- ents of the Gospel, and willing to fill a mission, and will be ready to go in april if desired. The obsticle in the way of Bro G. W. Thatcher Jr. that of being Treasurer of the county, has been removved. Therefore both brethern now await your

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

For Drees for Nellie 12 50

Letter from George H. Done, 21 January 1891

Payson Utah Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother yours of the 14 inst. in regard to fill- ing a mission to Great Britain is recieved, with regard to my feelings in the matter I scarce know how to state them, and were they governed entirely by financial circumstances ^and^ worldly thought I could not think of leaving my Wife & seven small chrildren without my protection unless I wasere obliged to, but every Elder in the Israel who is trying to do his duty realizes that he has a duty to perform and should have a higher aim than the mere spupport of himself and family.

Jan 21, 1891