Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1891

Journal Entry

February 15, 1891 ~ Sunday

15 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading

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Letter from William Reading III, 15 February 1891

Utah To Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I Received a letter from you some time since about taking a mission to Great Britton. Will state I will Be on Hand ready to Leave Salt Lake Oct. ^April^ 8 1891 Has per request Your Bro in the Gosple William Reading F. Theurer Bi[sho]p O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks and James Ephraim Steele, 15 February 1891

Rexburg, Idaho, Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City: Dear Brother: We take the liberty of calling your attention as president of Z.C.M.I to a call that has been made of our Stake viz. to raise a "Defence Fund," to be used in the protection of our rights in Idaho, as ocassion may require. As you are aware the Legislature is in session, and in order to frustrate Anti-Mormon measures, we have a repre- -sentative in Boise to attend to our interests. This is a heavy expense, almost more than we can raise. It is but one of the many calls that have and will be made of us, but up to the pre- -sent we have made no request of your companys branch at Eagle Rock to aid us. Your knowledge of the case will show the urgency of immediate action, and we hope that you will see fit to authorize your manager to donate towards this necessary fund. We are your brethren in the Truth, T E Ricks J. E. Steele

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

6 March 5 See page 12 $28

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

$304 Josephine [Comna] works at $4 a week

Feb 15, 1891