Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 84 years
old this day
Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 53 years
old this day
March 1, 1891. This is my birth Day and the Birth
day of my wife Emma I arose in the morning quite
unwell But as I had Been absent from meeting through
Most of the winter I concluded to go to the Conference
so I went to the Tabernacle But my Distress increased
upon me to such an Extent that I was oblieged to leave
Brother Abram Cannon left with me He walked
with me to the Gardo I took some composition But
my suffering was great it resembled the Billious Cholic
I got a Buggy & Brother Cannon Drove me home and
Administered to me my pain was in my stomach, &
Bowels. Moses Thatcher Bishop Preston & C Wilken
called upon me & administered to me Emma & Sister Ship
kept my stomach & Bowels covered with hot cloths rung out
of Hot water & terpentine untill midnight before my pain sceased
I did not know but I would be called to die upon my Birth Day
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