Day in the Life

Mar 12, 1891

Journal Entry

March 12, 1891 ~ Thursday

12 I signed 18 Recommends I received 8 Letters
An arrow I received word to day that Mr Legrand C Layton
who had come from Colorado to Meet with me to
get Baptized had Died at the Continental at 4 oclock
on March 11, 1891 Aged 38 years A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter
to day to Prest McAllister to have him Baptized for
& get Endowments for him


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McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
663 mentions


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Letter to Angus Munn Cannon and Counselors, 12 March 1891
Salt Lake City, Utah. . PREST. ANGUS M. CANNON & COUNSELORS, Salt Lake Stake. Dear Brethren: We understand that you have appointed Dr. J. E. Talmage to take charge or oversight of the schools which are designed to be established in the various wards of th the Stake, for the purpose of giving the children who attend the district schools an opportunity to learn theology. While we appreciate fully the importance of having some thorough-going and suitable person to attend to this department, and think with you that probably no better selection could be made than the one you have made, still, in view of Dr. Talmage's other duties and his usefulness in other directions, we take the liberty of suggesting that it is not a prudent thing to select him for this labor. Others can be found, no doubt, in your Stake who can attend to this, and who could not do some of the work, at least, that Brother Talmage is doing. He is already burdened with his labors, and it is not wise to overtax any of our brethren, especially those who are engaged in brain work. Trusting that you will be able to see the propriety of a change, and that you will be able to find some suitable person to pe[r]form these duties, We remain Your Brethren, W Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid Bennet on Lawn 1050 10 50 [12] To Blanch $3 E[mma] 50 cts Sarah $4 7 50
Letter to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 12 March 1891
Prest. John D. T. Mcallistir. St. George Temple. Dear Brother: There is a man by the name of LeGrande C. Layton, from Colorado, who is a joint owner of a large Ranch, from whom Bros Silas S. Smith and F. A. Hammond bought a quantity of land. I became acquainted with Mr Layton last year and he became converted to Mormonism and wanted to be baptized. He came to this city last Thursday to have another interview with me so that he might be baptized. He was taken with Paralysis and died yesterday afternoon at the Continental Hotel before we met. His friends will take his remains back to Colorado for burial. Now I wish you to have him baptized f[or] and


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Mar 12, 1891