Day in the Life

May 4, 1891

Journal Entry

May 04, 1891 ~ Monday

4. Conference Met at 10 oclok The Authorities
of the Church were presented & sustained
The Statistics of the Stake were then read the Number
15302 souls 4465 children President Smith
made a Report of the situation of the Stake


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4142 mentions

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Letter from Jane Howard, 4 May 1891

To Mr Woodrough Dear Brother Please let me know when & where I can meet with you to consult with you on perticular afairs your Sister in the Gospel Jane Howard

Letter from M. P. Madsen, 4 May 1891

Salt Lake City . President Wilford Woodruff City. Dear Brother. Yours of the 15th ult came to hand in due time. I have been away from home to visit my Sister, who is seriously afflicted, hence the delay in answering, which I trust you will kindly excuse. I wish to state, that I feel greatly blessed and honored by the call made upon me, but while I am as willing fullfil it as possible, I am placed under the painful nessessity, of asking you to be excused for the present, for the reason that I am entirely unable to provide for my Family in my absence. I have no means and no income, beyond my daily earnings. I have a home on which the Building Society have a Trust Deed for $1200.00 on which must be paid monthly Dues and Interest $1400. I owe my Employer $200.00 which I am under obligations to pay

Discourse 1891-05-04

Pres W Woodruff addressed the Saints saying. When the Lord contemplates doing any work on the earth He always prepares an ele- ment to accomplish it. Referring to himself, he related his own ex- perience in his youthful days, when he was animated by the spirit of enquiry after truth. In due time the Elders of the Church came along & preached the Gospel. He at once recieved it & was bap- tised. He was prepared to recieve the Gospel when it came. He had lived to see Apostles & Prophets, the gifts, & blessings of the Gospel made manifest among men & he hoped our young men & women would seek after these things & search after the things of the Lord. He referred to the Priesthood & its potency for good am- ong men, without which no connecting link can be made between earth & Heaven. He referred to the 121st Section of the Book of Doc & Cov which states that but "few are chosen" to be vessels of the Lord &c. He narrated his experience in preaching the Gospel with out purse or scrip & he had hoped that all the Elders would do so likewise for wherever he did so, the Lord had blessed him greatly. He set forth that it made no difference what Priesthood a man holds, if he will magnify the same, the Lord will sustain him as much as He will an Apostle. He was not in favor of ord- daining so many Elders to be Seventies thus decimating the Elders quorums &c. He urged that every man who holds any Priesthood should magnify the same honestly before the Lord. He spoke approvingly of the operations of the Female Relief So- ciety as an organization. He gave counsel not to ordain our young men to higher positions in the Priesthood until it was apparent that they have magnified that which they have had. He implored the blessing of the Lord to rest on the people.

Letter from Llewellyn Harris, 4 May 1891

Utah, Presedent Wilford Woodruff and Councelers. Dear Brothern i have just returned from the trip to the mountains wher I went in compeny with Brother James TE Talmage and other Brothern who acompened ous on our trip. We Brother Talmage has don [illegible] his duty on the Bussnes he came near on and i have proved him to be a gentleman in every respect. But i am sorry to say that he was onable to see the enscriptions and pictures w on the rocks from which i coppied the moust of those sent to you. But i can truly say, and also prove it by wittneses that by thos same enscriptions, i have found, springs of water, and a trail over the rocky ledges down to Escalante [illegible] Crick. Which was befor onknown although i found the enscription 25 miles from the trail. By the enscripton also i tould that ther was fish in the stream, and cottonwoods and oaks and willows growen on the banks of the stream. one thing on the rock i did not understand untill i arived. Very near to the Crick it was a Natural Bridge near it but i hade it drawen on paper just as it apeared whil i was yet 25 miles away from it this peace of stone will no doupt be brought to you for examenation: the other peace of t the rock hade enscribed on it one of the henry mountains in which is two Ancient mines

Letter from Joseph Jeppsson, 4 May 1891

Millville Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have received your letter of the 15 stating you would like me to go on a mission to Scandina- via to start on the 29 of Aug I am willing to respond to the call and will endeaver to be on hand at the appointed time very Respectfuly Your Brother in the gospel Joseph Jeppsson Geo. O. Pitkin Bp

Discourse 1891-05-04

Pres Woodruff again spoke directing his remarks in relation to the Sugar Factory & explaining the et ceteras involved in the raising of vast sums of money. He hoped the Saints would assist all in their power towards erecting the Factory. He explained the object of the Defence Fund & hoped to live long enough to see all the debts of the Church paid up. Benediction by Pres F D Richards James A Leishman Stake Clerk

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Received Dividend on Z. C. M. I 40 35


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

May 4, 1891